Chapter 2.4 Biomes
We have different biomes. Rain Forest Biomes (Temperate Rain Forests and Tropical Rain Forests) Desert Biomes Grassland Biomes Deciduous Forest Biomes Boreal Forest Biomes Tundra Mountain and Ice
Your job… Is to work on a chosen biome to develop a PP and present it to a class PP is to have 5 slides with photos and appropriate citation
Math: Analyzing Data page 67
Section 2.4 Assessment pg 67 1a. What are the six majjor biomes found on Earth? 1b. How are the three forest biomes (rain forest, deciduous forest, and boreal forests) alike? How are they different? 1c. What biome might you be in if you were standing in a bitterly cold, dry plain with only a few, short plants scattered around?
Section 2.4 Assessment pg 67 (con’t.) 2a. What two factors are most important tin determining an area’s biome? 2b. If deserts and tundras receive similar amounts of rainfall, why are these two biomes so different? 2c. Why would hiking up a tall mountain be a good way to observe how climate determines an area’s biome?
Lab: Biomes in miniature page 68 Problem: What abiotic factors create different biomes around the world? Read and write a lab.