TAGS: Metacognition, Fixed and Growth Mindsets. I know a little but will need support I'm confident enough to coach I don't know anything about it I am confident Reflection What do you know about this? If nothing what do you think they might mean?
What do you think the most complex structure in the known universe is?
Brain 70 billion neurons and thousands of km of circuits. So complex we don't fully understand it and scientists are still finding out new things all the time.
Brain Facts
Watch 'The Human Mind Video' Video http://learningandtheadolescentmind.org/resources_02_learning.html
The brain is not a fixed structure. It can grow and change shape during learning. This is called neuroplasticity.
What does this mean to you as a learner? It means intelligence is not fixed but is something that can be changed through effort and attitude.
Successful learners: Understand this neuroplasticity and have what we call a growth mindset. Learners like these: Believe they can become more intelligent through learning Seek out challenging tasks that stretch them Are not afraid of failure and see it as an opportunity to learn Do not mind when others do well.
Less Successful Learners: Often have the opposite mindset is when people believe that their level of intelligence cant be changed. People who have fixed mindset: Believe intelligence is something you are born with They seek to complete easy tasks that they know will make them look good. They do not try difficult tasks in case they make mistakes Compare themselves to others and don't like to look inferior to their peers.
What sort of a mindset are you?
Lets change some fixed mindset responses into growth mindset ones: Pair Work
I'm no good at this! At the moment I'm finding this challenging.
This is too hard for me! With effort and support I will get better at this.
Oh no I made a mistake! I'm glad I made that mistake as I can learn from it.
If I stick to easy questions I wont fail. I want to try harder questions to help me get better.
Can you change these fixed mindset statements into growth mindset ones?
Reflect What do you understand by the term 'Growth Mindset now? What are your next steps towards achieving this?