The Beginnings of Britain 800 BC – 1066 AD
England today Great Britain is made up of England Scotland Wales and is neighbored by Northern Ireland Ireland
The Spirit of the Celts People known as Britons Farmers and hunters living in clans with loyalty to chief Druids-priests who settled disputes and told history Like gangs yet with family ties Like judges but who also kept history: what do we have to compare
The Romans: The Great Administrators 55 BC Romans under Julius Caesar come to England 55 AD before conquest is complete Paved roads, brought skills in warfare and built baths Last Romans left in 407 AD Note how many years that was
The Anglo-Saxons Sweep Ashore Invaded 449-500 AD Britons fled to Wales, Scotland, and Ireland Legendary King Arthur led resistance Fishermen/farmers Angeland - Anglish All great Britain now Last change until the age is over
Anglo-Saxon Life Tribal units led by elected kings Spoke Old English Witan-council of elders Elected kings-what would make for good campaign strategy
A-S religious beliefs Werguild: an eye for an eye Pagan not Christian Loyalty to leader Wyrd: fate controlled man’s destiny Poets known as scops Pagan not Christian No idea of afterlife Harshness of life gave them a dim view of future. Pagan worship nature No Christian idea-Jews and Christians only group with a heave/hell at the time What was harsh about life? What for entertainment?
Unifying Forces: Alfred the Great & Christianity King Alfred the Great united all of Britain Common language – Old English Common enemy – Danes and Normans Common history – The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Britain becomes Christian Romans brought with them Celts took with them 597 missionaries Monastery at Canterbury St patrick
Effects of Christianity Warriors less fierce Freemen had to treat wives, children and slaves better Got rid of werguild Brought education to the island Official language was latin
The end is near Norsemen and Danes agree to divide the rule of the nation 1042 Edward of Saxony became king Edward’s mother was from Normandy 1066 Edward dies – William of Normandy came to claim throne Battle of Hastings