Material & Nonmaterial Culture Chapter 3.4 Material & Nonmaterial Culture
Nonmaterial Culture Includes beliefs, ideas, and knowledge Beliefs = ideas about reality Beliefs can be true or false Examples: no life on mercury, a pharaoh was a god Important because behavior is based on beliefs
Material Culture Tangible objects Objects have no meaning within itself People give objects meaning
Ideal vs. Real Culture Ideal The culture to which a society ascribes Utopia Example: All students are honest Real The actual behavior of people in a society Real life Example: Students cheat
Changing Culture Culture can change due to 3 reasons Discovery Invention Diffusion
Diversity Counterculture Subculture Opposed to dominant culture Have their own traditions, language, etc Examples: cults, criminals, drug culture Subculture Subscribes to values of dominant culture Have their own traditions, language, etc. Examples: Chinatown, St. Viator, music culture
Ethnocentrism Judging others using your own cultural standards Can be both good and bad Positives: promotes stability, unity Negatives: inflexibility, intolerance
Cultural Universals Values that exist in ALL societies Details may differ from culture to culture Examples: caring for children, recreation, education