Effective Practitioner: Getting Started… www.effectivepractitioner.nes.scot.nhs.uk
Session Aim This session will provide an overview of the NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Effective Practitioner initiative.
Learning Outcomes Demonstrate an awareness of the NES Effective Practitioner initiative Recognise the value of accessing the Effective Practitioner initiative to support work-based learning Demonstrate an increased awareness of tools and resources available on the Effective Practitioner website
What is Effective Practitioner? Effective Practitioner is a national initiative providing work based learning resources and support for Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals. It is for Practitioners and Senior Practitioners across NHS Scotland who provide direct care. The resources are housed on the Effective Practitioner website.
Key Benefits The Effective Practitioner initiative: Provides resources for work-based learning – it is not an online programme There is no log in You can access it 24 hours a day 365 days of the year – even from your smart phone It will save you time by directing you to resources making it easier to keep up to date You can download copies of all of the activities and templates designed to aid reflection & record learning, complete them individually or as a team Linked to ‘Getting Started’ section of the leaflet
There are 4 Sections: Practitioners, Supporting Your Staff, Learning & Development and Resources Practitioner, Supporting Your Staff, Learning & Development and Resources Linked to ‘Getting Started’ section of the leaflet Each section links to additional resources. It doesn’t matter which one you look at first and you don’t have to look at all the sections, just the ones you feel are appropriate to you.
Quick Links: these provide easy links to key areas of the website such as Work-based Learning and Knowledge and Skills framework (KSF) Linked to ‘Quick Links’ section of the leaflet These provide easy links to key areas of the website you might want to look at. There are links here to take you straight to areas such as Learning in the Workplace; Clinical Decision Making; and Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF).
Downloadable self assessment tool and learning activities Linked to ‘Self Assessment’ section of the leaflet This is a good place to start. This simple tool will help you to work out how effective you are in your practice and where your learning needs are. By assessing yourself on specific knowledge and skills in each pillar of practice, you can see clearly what you do well and in which areas you could be more effective. This may link to your KSF development review and Personal Development Plan (PDP).
Evidence-based Practice Learning, Teaching & Supervision There are 4 sections: Clinical Practice Evidence-based Practice Learning, Teaching & Supervision Leadership & Management Linked to ‘Self Assessment’ section of the leaflet Every section is worth spending time on, but don’t try to do all of the sections in one go as you may feel overloaded with information. Set a time to return to the site and work through the next section.
Each activity only takes a short time Learning Activities: Each activity only takes a short time There are a series of work-based learning activities and resources across a number of interlinked priority areas. Each of the activities is linked to relevant KSF dimensions. Linked to ‘Learning Activity’ section of the leaflet Each activity will only take a short time and can be accessed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year - to suit the way you work. There are a series of work-based learning activities and resources across a number of interlinked priority areas. There are a number of activities in each section. Each of the activities is linked to relevant KSF dimensions. It's best to focus on activities from just one section at a time.
Link directly to The Knowledge Network You can use Effective Practitioner to search quickly for up to date resources. It will automatically search the website first for content. Link directly to The Knowledge Network Search quickly for resources from the home page using this tool bar Linked to ‘Searching’ section of the leaflet
Linked to ‘Searching’ section of the leaflet Once the search content appears, you can then select to show results from either Effective Practitioner or from The Knowledge Network Show results from either Effective Practitioner or The Knowledge Network
Access to Resources Most of the resources in Effective Practitioner are freely available without needing a password, but some of the evidence base held on The Knowledge Network requires you to have an Athens username and password. If you have not already done so you can request this on The Knowledge Network or contact your local librarian for this.
Download or print forms to record your learning Recording your learning, you can use one of the templates to record your learning this can be used for KSF review, for maintaining professional registration or as part of CPD Linked to ‘Recording Your Learning’ section of the leaflet You can use one of the templates to record your learning. This can be used for KSF review, for maintaining registration or as part of your continuing professional development. These forms are also available in the nursing and midwifery career long ePortfolio for those who are interested Download or print forms to record your learning
Keep up to date Effective Practitioner is constantly being updated. New information, learning activities and resources are being added on a regular basis. There is an increasing range of multimedia such as podcasts / digital stories to support learning so please keep having a look every so often to see what is new. The resource can also be accessed from a smart phone. Linked to ‘Keeping Up-to-Date Easily’ section of the leaflet You can also sign up for email alerts to be sent when new resources are available at: EPalerts@nes.scot.nhs.uk
Help and Training Effective Practitioner is a self directed resource. However, if you or your team feel you would like some additional support please contact:
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