Declaration Of Independence
Preview Activity: What does the word Independence mean to you?
Testable Information Follow along in the book as we read and fill in our notes as we discuss the Declaration of Independence.
Declaration of Independence: Vocabulary: A declaration is a _________________ statement
Declaration of Independence: Vocabulary: A grievance is a ________________ complaint
Declaration of Independence: Vocabulary: Something that is _______________ is incapable of being surrendered. That means it can’t be taken or given away. unalienable
Declaration of Independence: The Declaration of Independence Did 4 Main Things:
Declaration of Independence: Established idea that all people are ________ under the law. equal
Declaration of Independence: Affirmed “certain unalienable __________.” (______, liberty and the pursuit of ______________.) rights life happiness
Declaration of Independence: Grievances Stated ______________ against the King of Great Britain.
Declaration of Independence: Declared the Colonies’ __________________ from Great Britain. independence
Work with a partner to complete the processing activity.