2D and 3D Shape Hunt
Papplewick Pumping Station outside
Papplewick Pumping Station inside
Can you find examples of 2D and 3D shapes inside and outside Papplewick Pumping Station?
2D Shapes Can you name the shapes?
3D shapes Can you name the shapes?
Estimation A Papplewick brick measures 20cm x 10 cm Quickly estimate how many Papplewick bricks there are in 1ms of wall? Now work out exactly how many bricks there are. Link – see Resource 25: 3D Thinking - Maths into Cubic Poetry
A 1ms section of wall. 1m 1m Did you estimate correctly?
How many bricks do you think it took to build the whole of Papplewick Pumping Station? How many bricks do you think it takes to build a standard 3 bedroomed house?
A standard 3-bedroom house will take approximately 16,000 bricks to build.