HEROES SAVING UP TO $5,000 who qualifies as a hero? WHEN BUYING OR SELLING A HOME Cash Back or Credit and Discounts to those that serve when buying or selling a home who qualifies as a hero? what is heroes home advantage? Heroes Home AdvantageTM is a program that helps our local Heroes save money when buying or selling a home. We are local Realtors, lenders and business owners that give back to those that serve our country and community. Active, retired, and volunteer: Military First Responders Law Enforcement Health Care Providers Firefighters Teachers how do we save you money? you are all our heroes and we thank you! Choose our Realtors and they give you a portion of their commission in cash back or credit to thank you for your services. Our lenders and business owners also give you discounts on their services. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Buy or sell a home with our Heroes Home AdvantageTM Realtor. Receive 25% of your Realtor’s commission back in cash or credit.* Receive even more credits and discounts from your Realtor’s local vendors.** how much does this cost me? Our services are free. Just gives us a call and register today! (Insert Website Here) (Insert Email Address Here) (Insert Main Contact Phone Here) Average home purchase/sale price Savings for a home costing $250,000: And so much more! *As allowable per state **When applicable with participating vendors (Insert any remaining contact information, social media links, and logos here) $250,000 $1,875 (Insert any remaining contact information, social media links, and logos here)