Windows Movie Maker Tutorial By Glen Smith Macquarie ICT Innovations Centre and Curl Curl North Public School
Importing and Organising Clips
Go to videos to look for video files on computer
Select the clips you want to use Then press
Select storyboard view
Select as many clips as you want and drag them into your storyboard
Arrange in any order you want by clicking and dragging to a new place on your storyboard
Cropping and TrimmingClips
Go to timeline view. This view shows the clips length
Select the clip you would like to trim Drag sides to take away the end or beginning
Or if you want to split a clip in half Move green line to where you want it split Press split Original clip becomes split into 2 clips
Adding titles and credits
I prefer to use storyboard view
Decided where you want your title
Type in what you want the title to be
When finished
It has now been added to your storyboard
Now with credits it's almost exactly the same.
Do the same thing you did for the title
Now you have credits added
Adding transitions
Choose the transition you want to use and then drag and drop into box between clips
Transition now added Now repeat with the rest of them
Adding special effects
Choose the effects you want to place with each clip
Drag and drop onto the star
You can have up to 2 effects for each clip Now repeat with Drag and drop onto the star Now repeat with the rest of them You can have up to 2 effects for each clip
Adding audio and narration
Choose the music files you want for the movie
It will now show up in your imported media
Drag this audio file down into the audio/music layer
Now added in audio/music layer Drag clip to put it where you want the track to start
Pull handles toward the centre to shorten or trim your clip
Then overlapped the 2 tracks so you couldn't really tell My clip wasn't long enough so I added another one so that I could get right to the end.
My movie is now finished and ready for exporting