The Art of Teaching: Serving the Greater Good Presented by Raymond P. Fisk University of New Orleans
Finding Your Own Style Work at the art of teaching, but find your own style. Stay focused on captivating and inspiring students. Use humor, but carefully. Take risks, make mistakes. Don’t be afraid to be theatrical. Don’t be afraid to be stern. Don’t be afraid to be obsessive.
Students as Customers vs. Products Calling students “customers” is common. While I think there are some very important customer service aspects to working with students, I think they are primarily our “products.” Hence, “serving the greater good” means serving the many customers awaiting our graduates.
Learn-Feel-Do This popular description of the stages of knowledge captures a common flaw in business education. It is easy to focus on the cognitive knowledge of marketing. It is harder to teach students the emotional meaning of marketing. It is even harder to coach them through the process of doing marketing.
Rigor & Teaching Evaluations There is a common notion that being a more rigorous teacher causes lower teaching evaluations. It can, if students are convinced the rigor is unfair. It won’t, if students are convinced the rigor is necessary. Students will rise to inspiring challenges.
Handout Examples of My Own Obsessiveness Marketing Skill Set Teamwork Guideline for Marketing Strategy Guidelines for Preparing Papers Presentation Guidelines for Marketing Strategies Handouts