Steering Committee Thursday, September 20, 2018
Grant Reminders Start date July 1, 2018 – End date June 30, 2019 Equipment 500 and 700 – Circle on your budget. Buy before December 15, 2018.
Grant Reminders Amendments – Amend before you spend. There is a significant change in program scope (e.g., adding a new component – summer school); or The expected expenditures exceed the ISBE expenditure variance of 10 percent or $1,000 per an object total, which is greater without going over the total budget; or The grantee adds a new expenditure item.
Grant Reminders Amendments – The expected expenditures exceed the ISBE expenditure variance of 10 percent or $1,000 per an object total, which is greater without going over the total budget; or
All equipment (500 and 700) requires prior approval by ISBE. All out-of-state travel requires prior approval by ISBE. $1,000 $2,400 - $4,400 $4,502 $40,518 - $49,522 $4,466 $40,198 - $49,130 $1,845 $16,605 – $20,295 $6,720 $60,486 - $73,926
Improving fiscal reporting Expenditure descriptions – be accurate and specific. Examples: STEM, CTSOs, Consumer Education Elementary – be in early communication with your K-8 coordinators of grant funds. Elementary – an exact figure. No more, no less
Improving fiscal reporting Salaries – be in early and frequent communication with Human Resources and the Business Office. Is the salary projected to be spent by the end of the FY? If a staff member takes a leave of absence, how does that affect salary? If someone resigns and the position is unfilled for three months, how is salary affected? IT Departments – in larger districts, IT departments are involved in technology purchasing. If a purchase requires district IT involvement, start the process early. Approved Programs – grant funds support Approved Programs.
Improving fiscal reporting General ledgers – must match Perkins request, must match your CTEI grant report. Mini-grants – are accounted for separately. Do not account for mini-grant, Summer Counselor Institute stipends, reimbursement for conferences, etc. as CTEI or Perkins money. It is additional funding.