Microsoft Azure Enables Big-Data-as-a-Service Applications for Industry and Government Use “Microsoft Azure is the most innovative and robust suite of.


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Presentation transcript:

Microsoft Azure Enables Big-Data-as-a-Service Applications for Industry and Government Use “Microsoft Azure is the most innovative and robust suite of technologies available today. The platform has allowed us to achieve greater scalability, which has been crucial for the success in developing our Big Data as a Service applications.” – Piotr Stepinski, CTO, Carl Data Solutions SITUATION Carl Data Solutions needed to provide a scalable and comprehensive solution to data collection and analysis for water flow monitoring. The application needed to be cloud-based for unlimited data storage, offer advanced analytics features for deeper insights, and have the capacity to accommodate both structured and unstructured data. This meant Carl needed to adopt the most powerful cloud computing platform available today. MICROSOFT AZURE ISV: Carl Data Solutions Inc. WEB SITE: LOCATION: Vancouver, B.C., Canada ORG SIZE: 15-20 employees MICROSOFT AZURE ISV PROFILE: Carl Data Solutions Inc. offers Big-Data-as-a-Service solutions that collect, store, and analyze large datasets from diverse sources. Carl's applications are built on the Azure cloud computing platform using the Azure advanced suite of development tools and services. These features allow Carl to rapidly build applications that provide innovative ways to manage and understand data. SOLUTION With Microsoft Azure, Carl developed a new framework to manage large volumes of diverse types of data. Azure Event Hubs and Azure Data Factory are used for the collection of sensor data from smart (IoT) devices and for integrating public datasets. Azure Stream Analytics are used for providing real-time monitoring and alarming. Azure HDInsight provides the NoSQL storage required for the collection and consolidation of data. Azure Machine Learning is used for pattern recognition and predicting the probability of events occurring. BENEFITS Azure is flexible, enabling rapid development of analytics, monitoring, and reporting applications for the utilities sector. Azure Machine Learning provides deep insights into data that leads to faster and better informed decisions.