I will design an experiment to measure the height of the school. Gerson Saharah Patrick Aconte Gabby Isaac Albert Miguel Monica Brandon F. Eric Roberto Torrance Brandon L. Jose S. Edson Giau Mildren Shawn Ivan Kaylynn Roberto Chelsea Jose C. Luz Noe Cristhian De’ja Ricardo Veronica Daisy Christian G. Learning Target: I will design an experiment to measure the height of the school.
I will design an experiment to measure the height of the school. Donald Kurdi Kyla Shaikha Warren Jasmine Rene Tatiyana Secrets Misa Daniela Emilio Jahkar Jose M. Sommer Lissbeth Jessica Michael Antony Brittney Adriana Kamre Alfonso Abraham Guadalupe Cristian Victoria Greg Jennifer Emmanuel Yazmine Learning Target: I will design an experiment to measure the height of the school.
Welcome to Geometry! (1st) Thurs Learning Target: I will design an experiment to measure the height of the school.
Welcome to Geometry! (2nd) Thurs Learning Target: I will design an experiment to measure the height of the school.
Welcome to Geometry! (3rd) Thurs Learning Target: I will design an experiment to measure the height of the school.
Welcome to Geometry! (4th) Thurs Learning Target: I will design an experiment to measure the height of the school.
Welcome to Geometry! (6th) Thurs Learning Target: I will design an experiment to measure the height of the school.
Welcome to Geometry! (8th) Thurs Learning Target: I will design an experiment to measure the height of the school.
Ready for Success! Time’s Up! Learning Target: 1. Pencils Down 2. Body Forward 3. Eyes on Ms. Chui 4. Mouth Closed Ready for Success! Learning Target: I will design an experiment to measure the height of the school.
You received your progress reports this morning… Is it reflective of your effort? Are you satisfied with your grade?
Log into your computer…
This page tells you exactly what we did in class every day
These are NOT valid excuses! “I didn’t know, I was absent!” “I don’t have the learning target/warm up because I came to class late.” “I lost my paper because it was raining when I was walking home and all of my stuff got wet.” “I don’t have my paper anymore. I threw away all my papers away because my laptop is too heavy.” Check the website!!
Yesterday’s activity… Easy or challenging?
Take out (or open online) HW #12
Angle of elevation vs. angle of depression Take 2 min to explore this website http://tinyurl.com/angleED
Angle of elevation vs. Angle of depression Depends on who is looking and what is being looked at.
? ?
207 m
Today’s learning target: I will design an experiment to measure the height of the school.
Guidelines You will be working with a PARTNER Please respect classroom materials
the school angles Degrees (°)
the school angles Degrees (°) length in, cm, feet, yards, meters, etc..
What can we measure? Θ ?
When we are outside… Stay focused on your task! Measure the angle of elevation Measure the horizontal distance from the person to the object being measured Take only your pencil and paper!
Some announcements TEST on Friday! Here’s the schedule for the week: Tomorrow: Project *weather permitting Thursday: Review Game Friday: Trig Test!!
Take 1 min to read through the directions & scroll through the slides.
With technology… Becomes…
With technology… Becomes…
Even though we have laptops, we still need…
Hint # 1 Jot down YOUR answer before looking at the choices. Looking at the choices before thinking about it yourself may cause confusion because they all look similar…
Hint # 2 Use GUESS GIVEN (Draw a picture) UNKNOWN (What is it asking for?) EQUATION (Which formula?) SUBSTITUTE (Where do the numbers go?) SOLVE (Ok, you don’t have to do this one yet…)
Our agenda for today: