Building Active Communities Get to know (Town Name) Population: Directions: Type in your town name Add your town’s population to the “Population” text box above Add an iconic picture of your community in the photo box area. Feel free to adjust the image size and orientation to work for your photo. Building Active Communities
Meet the (town name) team! Title/position Representing (organization / employer / interest group / etc.) Directions: Type in your town name and remove the parentheses Type in the other information for each of the five community team members attending the Building Active Communities Initiative Action Institute At the Action Institute: Introduce the community team members who are attending the Action Institute (sticking to the information on this slide for each person) … have each person stand up as you introduce them so all attendees can put a face with a name Building Active Communities
(Town Name) is known for: Xx Our unique assets Our unique challenges Building Active Communities
Building Active Communities We are most proud of: Directions: Insert two photos of active-living/active transportation community elements you are proud of in your town. Feel free to change the orientation of these photo boxes (visible in the “Normal” slide view setting) as needed. Be prepared to describe why you chose these photos and how the elements depicted are contributing to a safer and more active community environment. Building Active Communities
Building Active Communities This needs to improve: Directions: Insert two photos showing areas of your town that are not working well. Feel free to change the orientation of these photo boxes (visible in the “Normal” slide view) as needed. Describe why these two photos depict something in your community that is blocking access to healthy living, active lifestyles, multi-modal transportation; or why these photos indicate a lack of transportation equity for people who don’t drive (such as senior citizens, children, people with disabilities, low-income residents). Building Active Communities
Our team plans to work on: Xx Directions: Please describe the top standard/policy/plan-related priority you identified in your application for the Action Institute. Building Active Communities