Transpiration Water Uptake in Plants
Plants Need Water Photosynthesis Keep cells turgid
Easy For Moss
But taller plants must move water long distances
Transpiration! Evaporation of water from leaves Creates a suction, or pull of water up the plant
Transpiration-Cohesion-Tension There is a pull on the water Water forms H- bonds with itself, and sides of walls Like water through a straw
Cost-Benefit Analysis Costs Benefits Plant can lose a lot of water and become dehydrated Plant can get water to leaves for photosynthesis
Control Mechanism – Guard Cells Open and close stomata/stoma (pores) Allows plants to control gas/water exchange Closed stomata conserve water, but no photosynthesis is possible
What Controls Stomata? Circadian rhythm Light Dehydration
Stomata and Evolution Plants have evolved to have different amounts Some have stomata only on underside of leaf, some on both, some only on top Some open stomata at night only and fix carbon dioxide into an organic compound Stomata open Stomata closed
Factors that Can Affect Transpiration Rates Temperature Humidity Sunlight Presence of water Wind # and location of stomata Leaf surface (waxiness)