How to read the Bible Digging Deeper
What does the catechism say? The Bible: Teaches truth ( The human authors shared cultural ideas of the world around them as they knew it) Written under inspiration of Holy Spirit Is authored by God Was generally accepted in the church-Canon
How can pray help? The Holy spirit will help understanding. ( Go to the source) It is a long love letter to each of us-love and reverence is beneficial. It helps us to focus on the whole message not isolate what we want to hear. Jesus Christ, the living word, is the heart of the Bible. In relationship with Jesus, the Bible speaks truth and through faith the deep messages are opened to us.
How is it divided Old and New Testaments Different Genres: Historical/wisdom books/prophets/gospels/letters (St. Paul and Catholic)/Acts How do these genres differ from each other?
What does the Old testament say? Reveals God as Creator, and preserver of the world. God is leader and instructor of Mankind.
What is the significance of the New Testament The Son of God shows himself to us and becomes one of us to enable us to truly know God. We learn about the beginning of the Church ( The apostolic tradition) We learn about the work of the Holy spirit. We see how all facets of life reflect Christ’s light and message.
What is the role of Scripture in the church? We are embraced by Jesus every time we read from scripture in mass. We show reverence, specifically for the Gospel by standing during its reading. We also ask God to prepare us to listen by embrace and share his Gospel by making a cross on our forehead, lips and heart.