Constructivism By Kendall Smith
What is constructivism? Educational Theory Children build own understanding
Foundational theorists behind constructivism Piaget – Construct knowledge Dewey – Inquiry Vygotsky - Social
How does constructivism differ from traditional ideas about teaching and learning concerning curriculum? Use materials differently Group learners Add materials
How does constructivism differ from traditional ideas about teaching and learning concerning how students are viewed? Students are not sponges! Explorers Student teachers
How does constructivism differ from traditional ideas about teaching and learning concerning how students work? Students guide learning Students gain knowledge Independence
How does constructivism differ from traditional ideas about teaching and learning concerning the teachers’ role? Assistant Not a director Evaluator
How does constructivism differ from traditional ideas about teaching and learning concerning assessment? Not drill and practice Change lessons Inspiring
The PAR Model of learning Three phases to learning Constructing knowledge
A brief overview of each PAR model component. Present - Information Apply - Information Review - Information
How does the PAR Model relate to constructivism? New information is presented Application takes place
Provide a scenario of a topic that you could teach using a constructivist approach. Elementary jumping skills – Jumping objects
Format your scenario using the PAR model. Discuss jumping Children practice jumping Review lesson
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