Be respectful – no electronics please! Announcements No Lab on Monday (Labor Day!) Textbook Assignment 1 Due tomorrow (see pg. 15) Pre-Lecture Assignments & HW Post-Lect 2/Pre-Lect 3 - Tuesday 8:00 am HW 1: Wednesday 10:00 pm Post-Lect 3/Pre-Lect 4 - Thursday 8:00 am
LON-CAPA Electronic Homework Receive no credit after due date. Individualized assignments. Show them Lon-Capa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Syllabus Page 11
Friday Sections Smaller groups, more details in solving problems. You must take an active role. Textbook Ch. 2, 3, 5 HW due tomorrow (p. 15 of Lab Book lists the exact problems to be completed)
Chemistry 101 Slower pace after next week Office hours – 2026 Chemistry Annex or Chem Library Conference Room 12-1 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30-3:00 pm Wednesdays 3-3:30 pm Tuesdays & Thursdays By appointment
Lectures Provide a “big picture” Lecture Syllabus Interactive How do we think about “science”? How do we solve a problem? Lecture Syllabus Page 15 of Lab Book Interactive I expect and encourage questions. Participation expected through clickers and discussion.
Clicker Points Participation Points – answer at least 75% of the questions per lecture 0.5 points per lecture Capped at 10 points (24 lectures w/ clickers) Bonus Points – earn 0.1 points for every question you answer correctly Starts Next Tuesday
Chemistry 101 2021 Chemistry Annex (Chemistry Learning Center) Walk in tutors Office hours Reference materials
General Email Advice…
To: From: I dont get problem 3 Srsly, plz help thx ~J
Email Advice Acknowledge instructor’s name. Put your name. Use @illinois email account if possible. (otherwise put netid after name) Do not use “text message” code. Put your section. Do not erase the message I sent previously (the email record).
To: From: Hi Elise, I am having trouble understanding problem #3 of the Additional Questions on pg. 23 of the Lab Book. How am I supposed to make my drawings for each measurement? Can you please give me some guidance? Thanks! -Jane (jdoe25, ADM, Chem 101)
Canine Nosework
Clicker #1 - Discussion How many of the particle diagrams to the right represent mixtures? 2 3 4 5 6 In your notes, write 1-2 sentences explaining your reasoning.
Atomic Element
Molecular Elements
Homogeneous Mixtures
Heterogenous Mixtures
Everybody writes: Explain at the particle level why each of these is true & draw a particle picture in your notes. All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds. A compound is never a mixture, but a mixture can contain a compound. It is possible that a substance is a mixture but does not contain a compound.
Chemical Reaction – A Chemical Change BOOM!
Clicker #2 - Demonstration How many of the cups below contain heterogeneous mixtures? 1 2 3 4 More information needed
Clicker #3 - Demonstration How many of the cups below contain homogeneous mixtures? 1 2 3 4 More information needed
Periodic Table
Periodic Table
By the Exam… Know the polyatomic ions and charges (Practice Periodic Table). Know common ions and symbols (Practice Periodic Table). Know prefixes (Table 5.3).
Some Polyatomic Ions (Memorize! Table 5.5 pg. 125) Ammonium NH4+ Sulfate SO42- Hydroxide OH- Sulfite SO32- Nitrate NO3- Phosphate PO43- Nitrite NO2- Phosphite PO33-
Nonmetal-nonmetal Prefixes (Memorize – Table 5.3 pg. 119) (not first atom) Mono 6 Hexa 2 Di 7 Hepta 3 Tri 8 Octa 4 Tetra 9 Nona 5 Penta 10 Deca