Halloween Week 10/24 Due today: Answers to mentor questions due today Acid naming – hold on to and self grade in lab after quiz Objectives: Polyatomic naming quiz Intro to Mole Lab Homework: Upload edited Research Plan to NEOSTEM registration website Tuesday Explorer – test retake Empirical Formula Prelab 1-7 – due on block day Read PowerPoint 17 on The mole Coming up: Finish mole lab – due Monday 10/31 Research paper RD 1 See rubric and syllabus – due 11/7 – each person must have a copy in class for peer editing to receive credit Cornell notes Unit 4: Balancing and writing reactions 6.1-6.3 self checks 6.1,6.2,.6.3 due Monday 11/7 7.1-7.4, 7.7 (read pages 182-183 only), 7.6, 7.7 and Selfchecks 7.1,7.2,7.4 – due 11/11 Star Challenge/Handouts: Mole lab; Empirical Formula lab; Cornell note rubric
ACE your Star challenge! Halloween Week 10/25 ACE your Star challenge! Due today: Na Objectives: Work on Mole Lab Work on copper sulfide prelab Homework: Empirical Formula Prelab 1-7 – due on block day PP 18 Empirical formula Both Mole Lab and Empirical Formula lab due Monday, 10/31 Coming up: Cornell notes Unit 4: Balancing and writing reactions 6.1-6.3 self checks 6.1,6.2,.6.3 due Monday 11/7 7.1-7.4, 7.7 (read pages 182-183 only), 7.6, 7.7 and Selfchecks 7.1,7.2,7.4 – due 11/11 Research paper RD 1 See rubric and syllabus – due 11/7 – each person must have a copy in class for peer editing to receive credit Star Challenge/Handouts: Empirical lab rubric
GREAT DAY FOR CLEVELAND GREAT DAY FOR CLEVELAND!! 10/26 – 27 Cleveland Indians beat the Chicago Cubs 6-0 Due today: Prelab – must be complete to enter lab Objectives: Empirical Formula lab Homework: Complete mole lab & Copper Sulfide lab – both due Monday note theoretical yield of Cu is 79.86% Coming up: Cornell notes Unit 4: Balancing and writing reactions 6.1-6.3 self checks 6.1,6.2,.6.3 due Monday 11/7 7.1-7.4, 7.7 (read pages 182-183 only), 7.6, 7.7 and Selfchecks 7.1,7.2,7.4 – due 11/11 Research paper RD 1 See rubric and syllabus – due 11/7 – each person must have a copy in class for peer editing to receive credit Victory!! Perez Kluber 117-88
Halloween Lab!!!10/26 – 27 Due today: Prelab – must be complete to enter lab Objectives: Empirical Formula lab Homework: Complete mole lab & Copper Sulfide lab – both due Monday note theoretical yield of Cu is 79.86% Coming up: Cornell notes Unit 4: Balancing and writing reactions 6.1-6.3 self checks 6.1,6.2,.6.3 due Monday 11/7 7.1-7.4, 7.7 (read pages 182-183 only), 7.6, 7.7 and Selfchecks 7.1,7.2,7.4 – due 11/11 Research paper RD 1 See rubric and syllabus – due 11/7 – each person must have a copy in class for peer editing to receive credit
Happy Halloween 10/31 Due today: Mole and Empirical formula labs Objectives: Covalent naming notes Begin Mole ws 2 – in class Homework: Set up Empirical formula lab but hold off on prelab Complete mole ws 2 and covalent naming notes Read difference between covalent and Ionic handout – (handed out several weeks ago) Work on naming review packet one page per day – self check with key Coming up: Nomenclature and Electron Test Tentatively- Friday 11/11; Unit IV Mole test 11/14 (Back to back due to working around leadership conference) Cornell notes Unit 4: Balancing and writing reactions 6.1-6.3 self checks 6.1,6.2,.6.3 due Monday 11/7 7.1-7.4, 7.7 (read pages 182-183 only), 7.6, 7.7 and Selfchecks 7.1,7.2,7.4 – due 11/11 Research paper RD 1 See rubric and syllabus – due 11/7 – each person must have a copy in class for peer editing to receive credit Handouts: covalent naming; mole ws 2: ionic vs covalent naming handout; Empirical formula – silver oxide lab