bc1 complex Stuart Rose 11/29/2018
Goal of this presentation: Function of bc1 complex Overall Structure Structural Details Related to Function 11/29/2018
bc1 complex function Cytochrome bc1 complex or ubiquinol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase “Proton pump”: proton translocation coupled to electron transfer FOR MORE INFO... Prof. Crofts’ bc1 Complex Site http://www.life.uiuc.edu/crofts/bc-complex_site/ 11/29/2018
Full Dimer Two monomers with two fold symmetry. Shown here generally colored by chain designation and axis of symmetry located along a vertical line the image plane. 11/29/2018
Functional Highlights: Qo Site Qo site: oxidation of quinol, QH2,to quinone, Q Conformation of site: Liganding of Q within pocket and Liganding of different inhibitor types within pocket Movement of Reiske Iron Sulfer Protein (ISP) between two domains: oxidation of quinol to reduction of cytochrome c1 at heme propianate of the cytochrome 11/29/2018
Schematic view of Q-cycle: 11/29/2018
bc1 complex subunits of interest 11/29/2018
Reiske (ISP) Binding Domains Cyt b ISP Cyt c1 11/29/2018
Electron Transfer From ISP to cyt c1 and cyt b 11/29/2018
Qo Site with Stigmatellin 11/29/2018
Quinone, Q, vs Stigmatellin Oxidized by ISP Reduces bl Quinol, QH2, orthographic view ISP interaction Interference with proximate zone 11/29/2018 Stigmatellin, perspective view
Distances between redox centers proximal to Qo-site 11/29/2018
an electrons view…. 11/29/2018
Ligation of hemes in Cyt b 11/29/2018