All months that begin on a Sunday have a Friday the 13th! Fischy Fact All months that begin on a Sunday have a Friday the 13th!
Welcome to Curriculum & Expectations Night Mrs. Fischer 2018-2019
A little about me... Went through District 161 as a student 2003 LWE Graduate Bachelors Degree-EIU in 2007 Masters Degree-Concordia University in 2011 11th year @ Walker
Reassessment Policy (Science) Flyer on TEACHER PAGE Students receiving BELOW a 70% on any summative assessment WILL BE REQUIRED to complete a summative reassessment over the material within one week from the original assessment. Student that score ABOVE a 70% on a summative assessment may have ONE optional opportunity to complete a reassessment. (Student must state the intention to complete a reassessment within 2 SCHOOL DAYS after receiving the summative assessment score. For ANY summative reassessment, the MOST RECENT score will be recorded as the final score. No late/missing work that corresponds to the summative assessment Completion plan for reassessment will be a case by case basis.
Homework Policy Parents will be notified via "Pink Slip" about missing/incomplete/late assignment. If the assignment is not present at the time of turn in, the assignment is considered late. If the SIGNED "pink slip" is not returned with the assignment, additional parent contact will be made via email or phone call. Assignment must be turned in the NEXT SCHOOL DAY, and will be marked as late. If the assignment is not turned in the next school day, a score of 50% will be recorded until the assignment is returneed. 5 incomplete/missing/late assignments across the team will result in attending study hall for the REMAINDER of the quarter.
Behavior Policy Each student will receive a set of letters (I-L-L-I-N-I) at the beginning of EACH MONTH. Each month, team U of I will have an incentive. At the end of each month, all students who have kept at least 1 letter will be able to participate in the monthly incentive. If a student loses all 6 letters, they will not be able to participate in the incentive.
Science Curriculum Earth Science Smaller Books! Water/Weather & Climate/Astronomy/Earth’s surface Smaller Books! Notebooks are vital to class Notes are posted on teacher page after each lesson Study guides for summative assessments provided at least 4 days in advance.
Please feel free to contact me with ANY concerns/questions you have! Methods of Contact EMAIL CALL/Write a Note This is the FASTEST way to get ahold of me. 815-464-2285 Please feel free to contact me with ANY concerns/questions you have!