Andy Alexander & Thomas Hodson Face to Face With Media Andy Alexander & Thomas Hodson
Media Timeline Internet created in about 1986 Email started in 1993 Texting started in the mid 1990’s Facebook had its beginning in Feb. 2004 YouTube started in Feb. 2005 Twitter began in July 2006 First Iphone June 29, 2007 Ipad April of 2010
Facebook 1.28 billion active users 1 in 13 people on earth 71.2% of Internet Users on Facebook with 50% daily More than 250 million people access through mobile 45% of Internet users 65 and over are on Facebook
YouTube More than 1 billion unique users with 80% traffic in U.S. 6 billion hours of video is viewed each month Over 100 hours of video uploaded every minute 40% of all use is through mobile devices
Twitter In the past 9 years, 1 billion users 500 million tweets generated per day and 46% of users use Twitter more than once per day 44% of users do not post but instead use it as a curator of information
Current Trends Pew Research 7/14/15 63% of users says Twitter is a news source 63% say Facebook is a news source In 2013, it was 52% Twitter and 47% Facebook 59% use Twitter for Breaking News and only 31% use Facebook People use Twitter more for government and political news
API Report Released Sept. 1, 2015 86% say they use Twitter for news and 74% do so daily 40% use it for Breaking News and 39% for reg. news 73% users follow individual journalists & writers 62% follow institutional accounts 94% get news from scrolling or browsing those they follow 86% Twitter users use it for news and 74% 82% access Twitter on their phones