2-3: Public Opinion Polls
Big Idea: Methods of Political Analysis Enduring Understanding: Public opinion is measured through scientific polling, and the results of public opinion polls influence public policies and institutions. Learning Objectives: Describe the elements of a scientific poll. Explain the quality and credibility of claims based on public opinion data.
Public Opinion Polling Background Origins Early attempts Polls help politicians decide how to present issues Opinion Polls Benchmark Polls Tracking Polls Entrance and Exit Polls Focus Groups
Scientific Polling Sampling Steps Small portion of the population chosen as representative of the whole Sampling error Level of confidence Determined by sampling size Steps Define population Find a random sample Every member of population must have equal chance of being selected Conduct by telephone or face-to-face interviews
Polls and Democracy Pros Cons Open for Interpretation Contributes to democracy Cons Can manipulate public opinion through bandwagon effect Weakens effectiveness of public protests Open for Interpretation Transforms leaders into followers Political Awareness Polls reveal alarming lack of knowledge 74% can name 3 stooges, 42% can name 3 branches of government 25% can name both their senators 50% can identify the Bill of Rights