The Skeleton There are over 200 bones in the human skeleton 29/11/2018
The main functions of the skeleton are: Movement Protection Support 29/11/2018
Movement Or bones togethr with our muscles help our body to move about. Our bones are joint together at joints! Some can move, others can’t When our muscles contract so do our bones 29/11/2018
Protection The skull protects the brain. The rib-cage protects the heart and lungs. Backbone protects our spinal chord – it is made up of 33 bones 29/11/2018
Support The bones in the human skeleton give our bodies a human form. The bones of the skeleton act to keep the body upright and to give it shape. Wothut a skeleton our bodies would collapse like a tent with no tent poles 29/11/2018
skull collarbone shoulder blade rib humerus vertebra radius pelvis ulna femur fibula tibia 29/11/2018
Joints The places where bones MEET together are called joints. The function of joints is to allow movement
Types of joints: 1.Fused joints In fused joints there is no movement between the bones that meet Example: The adult skull They are fused – locked together
2. Hinge joints Hinge joints can only move in one direction Example: the elbow Like the hinge on a door
Ball and Socket joints Ball and socket joints can move in all directions Examples: The shoulders
What type of joints are found in the leg?
Inside moving joints The ends of the bones are covered with cartilage and there is a liquid called synovial fluid. BOTH of these things protect the bones against damage caused by friction (rubbing against each other) Like high heels get wotn down cartilage synovial fluid
Ligaments are elastic fibres That connect bone to bone Tendons are non elastic fibres that connect muscle to bone Joints are the places in the body where two bones meet.
Muscles and joints When a muscle contracts it gets shorter It pulls the bone by the tendon and the bone will move. Muscle Tendon
Bones and muscles of the arm humerus biceps radius ulna
How would YOU raise the arm? humerus biceps radius ulna
Were you right? triceps relaxes bone pulled upward
How would you lower the arm? biceps triceps ulna radius humerus
Were you right? biceps relaxes bone pulled downward
Watch the muscles….
Watch the muscles….
Watch the muscles….
Watch the muscles….
Watch the muscles….
Watch the muscles….
Watch the muscles….
Can you locate the HINGE?
Can you locate the HINGE?
You are correct if you located it here
You are correct if you located it here the hinge is where the bones are allowed to move about each other, raising and lowering the arm
Do you know an example? Muscles and joints Antagonistic pairs are pairs of muscles that work together to move bones– when one muscle contracts the other relaxes Do you know an example?