Use advertising to promote your business. Study publicity as a promotional tool. Evaluate other kinds of promotion.
Sample Sentence Promotion takes many forms, including advertising, publicity, sales promotion, and personal selling. What is the definition of promotion ? Promotion is the advancement of a product, idea, or point of view through publicity and/or advertising.
Advertising A paid form of communication sent out by a business about a product or service
Public relations The act of establishing a favorable relationship with customers and the general public
Television Advertising Advantages? Disadvantages? super-bowl/buying-super-bowl-2013/238489/ super-bowl/buying-super-bowl-2013/238489/ Radio Advertising Advantages? Disadvantages?
Newspaper Advertising Advantages? Disadvantages? Magazine Advertising Advantages? Disadvantages?
Direct mail advertising – fliers, catalogs, letters, and other correspondence Advantages? Disadvantages?
Publicity Free promotion generated by media coverage GOOD publicity can be as helpful as advertising NEGATIVE publicity is very unfavorable Press Release Written statement to inform the media of an event or product
Sales Promotions Act of offering an incentive to customers in order to increase sales What are some examples? Rebate Refund offered to people who purchase a product Personal Selling
Electronics Alley, a new retail store in a community shopping center, will open its doors next month Write a press release to inform the local media of the opening. Be CREATIVE in developing the details of the opening events