Tips on creating great photographs Photography Basics Tips on creating great photographs
History Photography hit the mainstream in 1835 Before this, art was judged by its accuracy Artists had to begin creating art styles that couldn’t be recreated by the camera Impressionism was the first style created after the mainstreaming of the camera, starting the modern art movement.
From good to great… From great to AWESOME! Tips for better photos From good to great… From great to AWESOME!
What Makes a Good Image? Composition Use of Elements Use of Principles Definitely leading lines Use of Principles Lighting
Simplicity One strong center of interest Avoid mergers Foreground or background should be simple or complimentary to center of interest Include foreground or background for sense of isolation, distance, depth, etc. Avoid mergers
Avoid Mergers
Avoid Amputations Avoiding cutting out parts or wholes of people or main subjects Avoiding cutting out the path of a moving object
Off with her head! v His too! v Poor guy ^ No more athlete’s foot
Rule of Thirds Don’t center your subject; it’s boring Place it on one of the circled areas
Rule of thirds at work Bad Good Fair
Working with Angles Low angle High angle Avoid centered horizons Accentuate movement or action Make subject look big, imposing or powerful High angle Eliminate unwanted backdrops Make subject look smaller Avoid centered horizons Head and shoulders above horizon creates a feeling of importance Try the 45 degree method to get rid of reflected flashes Creates INTEREST!
Fill the Frame Would this picture look better if I was closer? Focus on subject Detail Start far and move closer Fill the frame with objects that “fit” Long range shots provide depth and perspective
Natural Framing Adds depth Should fit theme Helps subject fill the frame Can block unwanted subjects from view
Line Creates Perspective
Balance Balance color and weight in a picture Formal and informal
Symmetrical Asymmetrical
Need other ideas/tips? Pinterest Books Teacher Look me up SO MANY BOOKS! Will only go so far. Teacher Seriously…
Assignment You will take multiple photos of the following: Landscape People (portrait/figure) Close-up (macro) Use of elements You will turn in your top 5.
REMEMBER! Watch your Angle Watch your composition Strong focal point Photos involving people (It’s all in the face) Look for strong examples of your elements and principles