William Henry Fox Talbot Talbotype William Henry Fox Talbot
Introduction What was it really like to be an inventor in the 1800’s? Was it really worth it? In this presentation I will be talking about how William Henry Fox Talbot impacted the world of photography. He invented our first “printer’’ and without him having done that, I don’t think that, we would be as far as we are in the word of printing. In this power point I will show his life and what it really means to invent something. I will also be giving you some information about his life. I hope that you enjoy.
William Henry fox Talbot Important Dates What happened on these dates. 1800-1877 Talbot lived his life. January 1834 He moved back to London to work. After moving there he worked on his invention for a really long time. 1828-1832 He attended college at a variety of different places. 1832 He married Constance Abbey 1842 Talbot was awarded a medal from the British Royal Society for his experiments and invention of Talbotype. 1834-1840 He worked on the first of his invention. The part that had to do with the plants and making impressions on paper. The first kind of a “printer.” 1840-1865 He worked on the second part of his invention. This part of his invention could “print” anything.
About William henry fox Talbot Talbot Graduated from Trinity University. He was married to Constance Abbey. He invented a very important key to photography. He spent just over 25 years working on an invention that during his lifetime he never got any recognition for. Before he began to work on his invention, he was an artist. When he was in Italy sketching the landscape, he became frustrated so he wanted to invent something that would do it for him.
This is him
What he invented Talbot invented the very first “printer.” His invention made modern photography what it is. The first part of his invention only worked on flat objects. It used the suns light to leave an imprint on a piece of paper. For example you would put a leaf with several chemicals and then cover it with a piece of glass. Then he left the contraption in the sun for a long time and the leaf would be on the paper. This was great but he soon got an even better idea.
The second part He found a better way of doing it. With metal plates and even more chemicals he could “print” a photo. I am not 100% sure how exactly it worked. It was a lot faster and more effective than his first invention though. It could be used with the cameras they had at the time to “print” the photos. This is the invention that really helped to move photography into what it is.
His invention
the evolution His invention allowed for photos be saved. It allowed for the market of photos to become a thing. After his Invention people could buy and sell photos. Without his invention we could possibly not be as far as we are in the word of printing and photography. His invention allowed for the word of photography to become a real thing.
Conclusion William Henry Fox Talbot was an inventor. He invented the first “printer’’ his invention allowed for the world of photography to become more advanced. He was a very educated man who did not only know about photography, he was also a scientist and a mathematician.
Sources http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/tlbt/hd_tlbt.htm https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=14&ved=0ahUKEwjU8rD BhM_QAhVK9WMKHbAyBsUQFghRMA0&url=http%3A%2F%2Ffoxtalbot.dmu.ac.uk%2Ftalbot% 2Fbiography.html&usg=AFQjCNEO_sfmIgWK5bUvSclfMcwrF_y3GQ&bvm=bv.139782543,d.cGc https://www.britannica.com/biography/William-Henry-Fox-Talbot