Calendar Birthdays Math Star Students Literacy 9/19-9/23 Literacy This week in Jolly Phonics we will learn the letter sounds for u,l,f & b. Please continue to practice them daily at home. We will continue to practice one letter each day in our “Handwriting Without Tears” book. We will continue our Schoolwide Reading Units of Study this week discussing 3 ways to read a book and book choice. The children will learn that they can read a book by reading the pictures, reading the words, or retelling the story. We will also look how we make book selections based on our own interests. The children will continue to build their Read to Self stamina. Our book of the week is “A Party” and we will be making another class book about types of parties. This week will also bring activities having to do with apples. Our sight words this week are “a/like”. Calendar 9/23 – Institute Day/No School 9/27 – Forward 95 Community Engagement/MSN 3:15 or 6:30 9/28 – Early Release Day -10:10 Dismissal - Book Fair Family Night 6-7:30 10/5 – Walk to School Day 10/10 – Columbus Day/ No Birthdays 9/22 Logan Math This week the children will continue to practice writing their numbers 0-10. We will make two class graphs to represent the number of letters in our names and our favorite color apple to eat. The children will practice sorting objects in different ways and counting with one-to-one correspondence. **Our library day is Monday so if you could help remind your child to bring their book in they will get to check out a new one. ** Star Students 9/19 Elizabeth 9/20 Demetri 9/21 Alana 9/22 Logan *Star student gets to bring in a show and tell.