9 Effective Motivation Strategies Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Agenda Motivation Motivation Motivation Powered by: Jazz Presentation 2. Motivation - Internal and External factors 3. Motivational Needs For Students 1. Overview - How to motivate. Motivation Motivation Motivation 4. Motivational strategies 5. Motivational Quotes . 6. Do’s and Don’ts of using this Presentation Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Powered by: Jazz Presentation Motivation Overview Those teachers who are enthusiastic and passionate about teaching can make an everlasting influence on their students. Motivation is all about Character Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they character. Watch your Character; they become your destiny. Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Motivation Internal & External Factors Internal factors 1. The individual’s drive of the listener. 2. Perceived relevance or values of the learning activity. 3. Feelings of competence in a chosen area. . External factors are 3. The nature of classroom interaction. 4. The learning environment and related attitudes 1. The roles played by parent. 2. The role played teachers and peers Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Sustaining the Motivation for Students Holding to a commitment is like holding a very hot rock, the chances that you will continue to hold it is near zero. But with time, it will get easier since the rock will become colder. Motivation needs to be generated as a child has to be motivated to pursue a task or choose a goal. The generated motivation needs to be actively maintained and protected. Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Motivational strategies – sustaining different motivational levels What is the biggest secret of sustaining motivation ? How to sustain your motivation 24/7 ? What are the right conditions to motivate the student ? How to create positive motivational climate in a classroom ? what are the best ways of using rewards and punishments ? How to create concrete assistance ? Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Powered by: Jazz Presentation Motivational strategies: 1. Develop a personal relationship with your students Students should feel at ease in the classroom and like their teacher. Teacher should a positive relationship with students on a personal, and not just on an academic level.. Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Powered by: Jazz Presentation Motivational strategies: 2. Create a pleasant and supportive atmosphere in the classroom 2. Encourage risk –taking among students, Use humor, and involve students. 1. Accept mistakes as a natural part of learning. Accept mistakes Encourage risk Learning Environment Seating arrangements 4. students sitting in groups around small tables or a horseshoe arrangement will be a better options 3. Personalize the physical learning environment of the classroom. Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Motivational strategies: 3. Cohesiveness Interaction Co-operation Sharing Group outing Group activities Smaller-group tasks where students mix with each other, co-curricular activities, outing, and whole-group projects help in building group cohesiveness. Interaction, co-operation and the sharing of genuine personal information among learners are important in creating cohesive learner group. Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Relate the subjects to everyday experiences Motivational strategies: 4. Make the curriculum and teaching materials relevant to students Relate the subjects to everyday experiences Teacher should personalize the curriculum Teachers should not be obsessed in completing the curriculum Provide additional materials where necessary Map the background life of the students with examples Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Powered by: Jazz Presentation Motivational strategies: 5. Make learning stimulating and enjoyable for the learner by making the tasks more interesting Discuss that are challenging, have interesting and relevant content engage the learner’s fantasy and yield tangible, finished products are likely to inspire learners Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Motivational strategies: 6. Use goal-setting methods in your classroom Establish group goals Establish class goals Explain how students break down tasks and assignments into small steps, how to set a timeline for reaching the goal Teach students on monitor/evaluate their own progress Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Powered by: Jazz Presentation Motivational strategies: 7. Provide learners with regular experiences of success Building self-esteem and self-confidence is an important aspect of classroom motivation. Creating multiple opportunities for students to experience success is also very vital academic achievement Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Remove anxiety-provoking environment Motivational strategies: 8. Remove or reduce anxiety-provoking environment 2. Cooperation and collaboration with strong and week learners must be encouraged 1. Teachers must avoid competition, with successful and unsuccessful learners Remove anxiety-provoking environment 3. Tests and assessments should be made less threatening 4. Must avoid labelling learners as ‘slow’ ’weak’ or ’better’ than others Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Powered by: Jazz Presentation Motivational strategies: 9. Use rewards and grades in a motivating manner Rewards and grades can do a great deal of damage. Hence Teachers can reduce their de-motivating impact as much as possible by using them sparingly Grades should reflect learner effort and improvement and not just achievement levels Continuous assessment and self and peer evaluation procedures should be encouraged Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Powered by: Jazz Presentation Motivation Quotes Patience, Persistence and Perspiration make an unbeatable combination of success. Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Motivation Quotes There are no beginning or end to your dreams or plans - Life is a Journey from the moment to moment. Live each moment to the fullest - Live with the 3 E's ... Energy, Enthusiasm, Empathy and with 3 F's... Faith, Family, Friends Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Powered by: Jazz Presentation Motivation Quotes Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Powered by: Jazz Presentation Motivation Quotes “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” Powered by: Jazz Presentation
Powered by: Jazz Presentation Motivation Quotes Life’s problems wouldn’t be called “hurdles” if there wasn’t a way to get over them Powered by: Jazz Presentation
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