Adaptive DEM / FEM Coupling International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) Barcelona, Spain
Definition of the coupling scheme Penalty or Lagrange Multipliers Overlapping or Not overlapping* * Mesh generation condition for DEM/FEM interface
Elastic wave propagation 2D Displacements
Three-point bending of a beam with a notch ( DEM/FEM ) Broken bonds dem-fem-beam-frac3ps-bb.mpg
Study of rock excavation 2D Equivalent stress distribution CPU Time DEM : 30 Hrs DEM/FEM : 16 Hrs dredge6-fem2-lag-damp-hms-3.mpg
Dynamic DEM / FEM coupling Criteria ( FEM to DEM ) σ > α · σmax , α = [0.5, 1.0] FEM with elastic behavior Computational cost effect
Three-point bending of a beam with a notch Max Stress
Three-point bending of a beam with a notch Max Stress
Three-point bending of a beam with a notch DEM connectivities
Unconfined compresion test 2D Stress
Rock cutting 2D Cohesion
Rock cutting 2D Max stress
Rock cutting 2D Forces evolution
Projectile impact 2D Cohesion
Projectile impact 2D Stress
3D beam with a notch cohesion
3D beam with a notch Interaction forces FEM DEM/FEM