Reading Promotion in the United Kingdom Jonathan Douglas Head of Learning, Access and Strategic Marketing Museums, Libraries and Archives Council
Reading in the UK National Literacy Strategy introduced in 1998 – 63% of 11 year olds reach required level % of 11 year olds reach required level One in five adults has less literacy than is expected of an 11-year-old. Two out of five unemployed adults lack basic literacy skills Poor basic skills costs UK industry more than £4,800,000,000 a year
Reading Promotion in the UK 1998 Launchpad created 1998 First World Book Day in UK 1998/1999 National Year of Reading 2002 The Reading Agency created 2004 Government Books for Babies funding announced
Libraries in the UK 2,400 libraries 200 library authorities Managed by locally elected councils National standards for delivery set by the Department of Culture Museums, Libraries and Archives Council established (2000) as a national library development agency 2002 Framework for the Future published as a 10 year vision for public libraries
Bookstart Health and libraries partnership Impact on childrens achievement when they start school in English and Maths testing National sponsorship in 2000 allows project to become national programme Funding from the Government
Sure Start and Libraries 2001Sure Start libraries target announced New national cohort of Early Years Librarians – over full time posts New partnership working patterns – health, education, libraries and social services Services in the community not books on shelves
Summer Reading Challenge Initiative from the The Reading Agency 90%+ of public library authorities participating 600,000 children take part Linked internet site Sponsored by publishers and Government
Adults with Basic Skill Needs 84% have outreach or promotion to help reach adults with basic skills needs 75 % believe that museums, archives and libraries should support adult basic skills 68 % are engaged in partnerships which aim to improve adult basic skills 78 % exploit technology to improve access for adults with basic skills needs. ( Mapping the Territory: MLA & National Literacy Trust, 2003)
Adult Learners and Libraries 79% ranked libraries in their top 3 learning locations 45% of adult learners interviewed mentioned libraries in their re- engagement with learning Courses held in libraries had a learner retention rate of 71%
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