China Limits European Contact Chapter 3 Section 2
I. China under the Powerful Ming Dynasty A. The Rise of the Ming 1. The Ming Dynasty ruled from 1368-1644. They expected Europeans to pay tribute for trade 2. Hongwu, the son of a peasant, became the 1st Ming Emperor because he drove out the Mongols
A. The Rise of the Ming 3. He restored agricultural land for rice and irrigation systems 4. He adopted Confucian morals at first, but later became paranoid and killed officials he thought were a threat to his power
A. The Rise of the Ming 5. His son, Yonglo, took power after his death and tried to impress the world by launching 7 voyages of exploration.
I. China under the Powerful Ming Dynasty B. The Voyages of Zheng He 1. Zheng He was a Chinese Muslim who lead the 7 voyages 2. He sailed from Southeast Asia to Eastern Africa
B. The Voyages of Zheng He 3. He sailed in a 400 ft. treasure ship 4. He would give gifts on his travels to show the wealth and power of China
I. China under the Powerful Ming Dynasty C I. China under the Powerful Ming Dynasty C. Ming Relations with Foreign Countries 1. The Ming Government said that only they were allowed to conduct trade, and only through three ports: Canton, Macao and Ningbo. Chinese Merchants ignored the rule
2. Matteo Ricci – and Italian Jesuit who gained special favor with the Ming court because he was intelligent and had learned Chinese. 3. However, most Europeans – especially Christians – were unwelcome.
II. Manchus Found the Qing Dynasty A. China under the Qing 1. The Manchus invaded China defeated the Ming Dynasty 2. Qing would rule for over 260 years
A. China under the Qing 3. The Chinese people resisted the non-Chinese rule until they restored China’s prosperity They earned respect
II. Manchus Found the Qing Dynasty A. China under the Qing 4. Kangxi ruler who gained respect of the intellectuals by giving them government jobs 5. Qian-long Ruler who helped China reach it’s largest size and most prosperous time
II. Manchus Found the Qing Dynasty B. Manchus Continue Chines Isolation 1. The Qing also had foreigners trade at specific ports and pay tribute The Dutch became masters at negotiating this system by conducting the ‘Kowtow’
2. The English failed to trade with China as they did not pay proper respect to the emperor. Ello Guvna!