Promotion of Native Names in the Internet Kilnam Chon KAIST Native Name Workshop updated
Table of Content 0. Prologue 1.Background 2.Native Names in the Internet 3.Applications 4.Social Impact 5.Cases 6.Remarks / Issues Reference
0. Prologue (White House) (Geoerge.Bush.US)
1. Background Internet Internationalization(i18n) and Localization(l10n) a. in 1970s and 1980s b. Unicode in 1990s c. WWW in 1990s d. Internet names in 2000s
2. Native Names in the Internet a. Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) b. Keyword (Lookup) c. (Keyword) Search d. Directory e. (more)
3. Applications a. WWW b. c. Others (ftp, news,....)
4. Social Impact a. User Friendlyness word you use daily native character keyboard b. No translation nor romanization c. Outreach - Senior citizen - Less literate - Children
5. Cases Korea China Japan Thailand Arabic
5.1 Korea a. Presidential Election in 2002 website with one candidate name in Korean b. Keyword Lookup Service 20 million hits/day (one vendor) c. Keyword Search Service ?? million hits/day (~5 vendors) d. IDN service to start in 2004
5.2 China a. Keyword Search Service (~5 vendors) b. Keyword Lookup Service (1 vendor) c. IDN service since 2002
5.3 Japan a. Keyword Search Service b. IDN Service since 2002
5.4 Thailand a. Keyword Lookup Service b. Keyword Search Service
5.5 Arabic Language a.Right-to-Left Scribing b. Keyword Search Service c. Keyword Lookup Service d. IDN Service com/net, …….
6. Remarks / Issues 6.1 Outreach a. International Outreach Developing/emerging countries with non-roman characters b. Domestic Outreach Senior Citizen Less Literate Children
6.2 Study on Social Impact a. Usage comparison of native names and romanized names b. Impact of outreach to less favored communities
6.3 Mobile Phone Comparison of computers and mobile phones on native name usages : - Japan - Korea - China - Others
6.4 Promotion Plan APRICOT, Kuala Lumpur, (and 2005) ISOC/INET, Barcelona, WSIS, Tunisia,
Reference i18n BoF at IETF, BoF at IETF,