Adjusting the CIS structure - Presentation to MSCG meeting 14 November 2011 -
Getting specific Current structure useful for 2010 Decision and for high-level discussions on GES, targets & indicators. More concrete debates needed within WG: Mobilise expertise at European level on specific topics Cooperate closely with RSC on these topics, and Ensure convergence between marine regions on these topics. Growing trend to differentiate discussions per topics: Biodiversity, Contaminants & Nutrients, Disturbance (noise and marine litter) Already started: Informal meeting on targets of 7 September and WG GES meeting of 27-28 September WG ToR offer flexibility to focus the discussions around topic-oriented debates and mobilise additional specialised expertise
Regional Sea Conventions Review of RSC structures and activities show that they are based on a topic-oriented approach, sometimes adjusted for MSFD thematic needs: Existing permanent structures to deal with “biodiversity” topic (OSPAR BDC, HELCOM HABITAT, UNEP RAC/SPA and Black Sea CBD AG), with recent sub-activities related to MSFD thematic needs (e.g. OSPAR ICG-COBAM and HELCOM Coreset BD). Working groups/committees for “contaminants and/or nutrients” (OSPAR HASEC, HELCOM LAND, Black Sea LBS AG and MEDPOL), with recent sub-activities related to MSFD thematic needs (e.g. HELCOM Coreset HS and TARGREV, various OSPAR ICGs under HASEC). Some Conventions have recently established sub-activities related to MSFD thematic needs on marine litter and underwater noise (e.g. OSPAR Marine Litter-ICG) Acronyms Biodiversity topic: OSPAR: Biodiversity Committee (BDC) HELCOM: Nature Protection and Biodiversity Group (HELCOM HABITAT) UNEP/MAP: Special Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (RAC/SPA) Black Sea: Biodiversity Protection and Conservation Advisory Group (CBD AG) Contaminant/Nutrient topic OSPAR Hazardous Substances and Eutrophication Committee (HASEC) HELCOM Land-based Pollution Group) (LAND) Black Sea Advisory Group to deal with land-based sources of pollution (LBS AG)
Benefits for Next Steps Discussions in WG GES should be becoming more concrete, focusing on actual targets and indicators WG DIKE work on reporting sheets and development of WISE- Marine also increasingly topic-oriented Topic-oriented approach will be crucial for discussions on: monitoring (biological vs chemistry-based monitoring) and programme of measures (mitigation measures to minimise biodiversity changes substantially different than those to control contaminants/hazardous substances) In relation to ESA, improved coordination between the work on natural science elements (definition of GES, indicators, etc.) and socio-economics elements (ESA, cost of degradation, etc.) can be made simpler along specific topics Acronyms Biodiversity topic: OSPAR: Biodiversity Committee (BDC) HELCOM: Nature Protection and Biodiversity Group (HELCOM HABITAT) UNEP/MAP: Special Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (RAC/SPA) Black Sea: Biodiversity Protection and Conservation Advisory Group (CBD AG) Contaminant/Nutrient topic OSPAR Hazardous Substances and Eutrophication Committee (HASEC) HELCOM Land-based Pollution Group) (LAND) Black Sea Advisory Group to deal with land-based sources of pollution (LBS AG)
Recommendations Recommendation 1: Communication and linkages should be ensured between the different groups and sub-groups Enhanced integration between three WG (requirement of Marine Directors) Involvement of experts from WG ESA or DIKE to ensure coordination with socio- economic and reporting aspects, particularly for major topics Recommendation 2: Organise the work of WG GES along major topics (biodiversity and contaminants/nutrients) Allow for more detailed technical discussions on biodiversity and contaminants/nutrients Necessary to find ways to mobilize thematic expertise Recommendation 3: Organising biodiversity work requires specialised attention Effective progress only possible if organised into manageable packages Question of whether working along major biodiversity components (habitats and species) would be useful for a risk based approach and for prioritisation. Future work on monitoring and measures is related to major types of pressure in Table 2 Annex III. Acronyms Biodiversity topic: OSPAR: Biodiversity Committee (BDC) HELCOM: Nature Protection and Biodiversity Group (HELCOM HABITAT) UNEP/MAP: Special Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (RAC/SPA) Black Sea: Biodiversity Protection and Conservation Advisory Group (CBD AG) Contaminant/Nutrient topic OSPAR Hazardous Substances and Eutrophication Committee (HASEC) HELCOM Land-based Pollution Group) (LAND) Black Sea Advisory Group to deal with land-based sources of pollution (LBS AG)
Thank you for your attention !