Literary Analysis Essay Of Mice and Men Literary Analysis Essay
Essay Topic Writing a literary analysis essay is essentially answering a question and defending a debatable theory that you have about the text. Debate: Is George and Lennie’s relationship mutually beneficial or is it one-side? You must defend your idea/theory (thesis/position)! Pick one side of the argument. You are not allowed to sit on the fence. Create a compelling argument that your reading audience will believe and lean towards.
Expectations Support/Evidence Format (MLA) MUST include 2-3 passages/quotes from the novel per Body ¶ Quotes and analysis of quotes should support your characterization of George and Lennie’s relationship. Format (MLA) 5-paragraph essay Typed: 1” margins, 12-point font, double spaced, indent ¶s, Header with name, teacher, class, & date Appropriate title (not the name of the assignment): must be clever and contain the title of the novel and the author’s name. Of Mice and Men in italics only Must write in present tense No first or second person (I, me, my, we, us, you, your). Third person only. Works Cited page will be required for texts cited in essay. Page numbers/in-text citations after quotes in ( ) Appear at the end of the sentence after a quote and before the period Only first ( ) must contain author’s last name ie. (Steinbeck 10).
Introductory Paragraph Opener/Attention Getter Goal is to create a broader context (i.e this essay is specifically about George and Lennie’s relationship in Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men; however, many points can be made about mutuality. Extend/Explain the Opener Too many writers shift too quickly from the broad or abstract opener directly into the assigned topic---DON’T!!! Let your idea develop. This could go on for 2-3 (or more) sentences if it’s interesting. Connect to the assigned topic Establish your Thesis For this essay, it’s argumentative, so you need to take a stand: is George and Lennie’s relationship mutually beneficial or is it one-sided. Example: Even though George and Lennie’s relationship may appear one-sided, in fact it is mutually beneficial arrangement where each character profits.
Body Paragraph Structure Topic sentence that examines the George and Lennie’s relationship at the beginning of the novel (first 3 Chapters) Develop/Support your topic with 2-3 passages/quotes from the text. Body Paragraph 2 Topic sentence that examines the George and Lennie’s relationship through the middle of the novel (Chapters 4-5) Body Paragraph 3 Topic sentence that examines the George and Lennie by the end of the novel (Chapter 6) Note: Organizing your paper by moving through the book chronologically will allow you to show the relationship becoming more mutual or one-sided as the rising action creates more tension and stress on the characters.
Topic Sentences Must align with thesis Should not be a quote Should not include a specific detail or example Should use transitional words Should indicate the topic of that paragraph Examples: For instance, George may play the frustrated parent, but on the open road George and Lennie display evidence of their mutually beneficial relationship and well-balanced character traits. As the novel progresses, George and Lennie’s interpersonal relationship continues to reveal the mutual benefits for both characters. In the end, the true nature of their mutually beneficial relationship is most strongly emphasized in the final moments of the novel. Thus, George and Lennie were true comrades existing in a mutually beneficial relationship, which sadly came to an end. (reworded thesis)
Quotes Introducing the quote Recording the quote Explaining the quote Identify Speaker: character or narrator Use words other than says in the dialogue tag (states, comments, yells, pleads, comfortingly says, angrily shouts). Capture the speaker’s tone. Set the scene/front load information about the quote: This is evident when George looses his temper and angrily yells, “ “ Recording the quote For a narration use “ ” (two double quotes) For a dialogue quote use “’ ‘” (double quoted and single quotes) Include page number in parenthesis and then a period (25). ? and ! place inside the “ ” and a period is still placed after the (89). Quote should be no longer than 2-3 lines on the page. Explaining the quote After the quote… Do not translate the words of the speaker. The objective is to explain the significance of the quote and how it shows whether George & Lennie’s relationship is mutually beneficial or one-sided. Chose quotes that will prove and support your thesis. Explain how it emphasizes/highlights your theory about their relationship.
Concluding Sentences The concluding sentences… Should not include a specific detail or example Should not be a quote Should not be the explanation of a quote Each paragraph should end with a concluding sentence that… Circles back to summarize the main point of the paragraph. Aligns with the thesis statement. Wraps up the paragraph with a nice neat bow Note: Topic and concluding sentences provide a road map for readers and add consistency.
Conclusion Conclusion Restate Thesis: Thus, George and Lennie were true comrades existing in a mutually beneficial relationship, which sadly came to an end. Evaluate Steinbeck's position with regards to the "loneliness" theme in the novel. How does their relationship highlight this theme? What is Steinbeck saying about human nature through George and Lennie’s relationship via its mutualism or one-sidedness? Extend the conclusion Through George and Lennie’s relationship is Steinbeck asserting that "people need people"? Why or why not? Clincher
Important Dates Monday, March 29th – Bring a printed hardcopy of essay to class for Peer Review Thursday, March 30th – Essay will be due to by 11:59pm (Essay is a 75-point grade )