Supported by Redesigning transportation in residential areas - for liveable neighbourhoods with low energy consumption Two projects supported by PRO.MOTION – Sustainable mobility at home ADD HOME – Mobility Management and Housing
Supported by PRO.MOTION - Redesigning transportation in residential areas with low energy consumption ADD HOME - Mobility Management for housing areas - from car- dependency to free choice runs from Nov – Oct has 18 partners concentrates on applications and training for energy agencies, municipalities and housing related companies runs from Dec – Nov has 6 partners deals with framework analysis/best practise as well as demonstrations and training for energy agencies, municipalities and housing related companies PRO.MOTION and ADD HOME – in a nutshell
Supported by High potential – many transport related decision are taken at home! The idea behind PRO.MOTION and ADD HOME Source: Municipality of Graz – mobility behaviour of people living in Graz 03/04
Supported by High potential – many transport related decision are taken at home! High effect – large energy saving potential within the topic of housing and mobility! The idea behind PRO.MOTION and ADD HOME
Supported by High potential – many transport related decision are taken at home! High effect – large energy saving potential within the topic of housing and mobility! High suitability – many car-trips can easily be substituted by PT, cycling and walking! The idea behind PRO.MOTION and ADD HOME
Supported by Equal conditions for modal choice at home Reduction of traffic performance of individuals Ownership at offers, processes and services for sustainable mobility Residential areas with high living quality: Green spaces, space for social activities/exchange and sound neighbourly relations The PRO.MOTION and ADD HOME objectives
Supported by Improve accessibility by infrastructure and organisational measures Raise awareness and correct subjective perception Create ownership and motivate people to change habits and… Use a bottom up approach: working groups with residents, housing companies, transport providers, etc… The PRO.MOTION and ADD HOME approach
Supported by Inhabitants Construction companies Property management companies Tenant associations Public Transport Providers Management / Energy Agencies Technical staff of local and regional authorities Decision and policy makers at local, regional and national level Spatial planners and architects Future personnel working in the field of mobility and housing The target groups
Supported by PRO.MOTION Surveys on mobility behaviour and specific mobility demands at application sites Establishment of stakeholder groups Setting up LA strategies in Ile-de-France and Midi-Pyreenes ADD HOME Best Practise databank on existing good actions for sustainable mobility housing projects Analysis on legal preconditions for sustainable transport solutions Concept phase and analysis
Supported by Surveys on Mobility patterns and behaviour and Mobility needs and wishes. The results are: Registration of mobility behaviour and patterns before applications begin at each site Knowledge of specific demands for mobility services and accessibility of the inhabitants of all 14 sites Knowledge of attitudes to foreseen actions of PRO.MOTION Identifying the target groups within each complete sample The results show a heterogeneous picture and each application have different conditions concerning mobility patterns and mobility demands. PRO. MOTION concept phase
Supported by A state of the art survey on integrating MM in LA21 showed: LA21 is a source of inspiration in participation/counselling Success is depending on a strong policy aimed for sustainable transport and interaction of transport planning and urban projects Mobility management is poor in LA21 due to –the approach: knowledge of offers, demand and participation differs from other projects / programmes –municipalities lack tools on MM in residential areas –LA21 does not include systematic approaches like travel plans or marketing approaches like mobility agents PRO.MOTION will result in a specific guide with recommendations for municipalities and place MM in the framework of LA21 PRO. MOTION concept phase
Supported by Analysis of building codes, spatial planning laws, legal settings for construction and renovation subsidies… Some good examples: Berlin: no obligations on car parking spaces SI / BG: max. distance between flat/house and next PT stop DE: mandatory bicycle parking facilities for all constructions and definition of number, access and configuration SI: priority list for transport planning concerning modes of transport: walking, bicycling, PT, motorised transport AT: gratification on building bicycle parking facilities and integration of CarSharing offers ADD HOME analysis See more at:
Supported by Some suggestions for improvement: Car parking spaces Introducing a max. No. of parking spaces / unit Deregulation of mandatory car parking spaces Bicycle parking facilities Copy/paste of German/OÖ example to building codes Definition of quality standards Spatial development Constructions only inside the catchement area of PT Definition of quality standards Subsidies for construction and renovation of houses Integration of positive criteria for bicycle parking facilities, proximity to PT stops, dense residential areas, CarSharing Cancel mandatory car parking spaces ADD HOME analysis
Supported by The ADD HOME Code of practise – Best Practise The project performed an online-survey on good examples in the fields of: Public transport in residential areas Cycling and walking in residential areas Car-related services and measures in residential areas Mobility information, organisation and co-ordination Mobility issues in the context of car-free or car-reduced and ecological housing Miscellaneous 63 Case Studies are documented! ADD HOME analysis The Code of Practise is available here:
Supported by Among PRO.MOTIONs / ADD HOMEs applications are: Infrastructure planning / organisational measures: bicycle paths to neighbouring city districts, Riga, LV B+R and P+R facilities, Györ, HU CarSharing in residential areas, Genoa, IT Change of peoples perceptions and awareness city-wide car pooling scheme in Sofia, BU educational programmes in schools in Martin, SK Neighbourhood events on mobility effects, Bregenz, AT Motivate to test sustainable transport means / services competition for design of a PT-stop in Graz, AT participative workshops creating solutions to sustainable transportation goals in DK and Spain PT tickets & CarSharing offers for tenants, Bielefeld, DE The application projects
Supported by PRO.MOTION and ADD HOME include training for their target groups to transfer gained knowledge in 19 sessions: Target group tailored: meet the needs of the respective audience Mix the target group: some trainings gathering all stakeholders Give theoretical and practical input: teach background and experiences Integrate practical sessions: use the gained knowledge and start planning own projects E-learning: establish self-study materials for further education online PRO.MOTION and ADD HOME training events Look up where the next training takes place!
Supported by PRO.MOTION Recommendations for planners, developers, construction companies and tenants on –how to improve sustainable transport using MM –how to save energy on transport at home and to demand MM offers ADD HOME ADD HOME training events Guidelines for followers on ADD HOME demonstrations and training events ADD HOME final brochure Whats coming up next? Have a look at our websites!
Supported by THANK YOU! ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS! … and have a good trip home! ADD HOME: Claus Koellinger, FGM-AMOR Austrian Mobility Research, Austria, PRO.MOTION: Anna Thormann, Det Grønne Hus, Energy Service, Denmark,