Statistical and Health Promotion Resources Vinay Parankusham Public Health Officer Public Health, Primary Health and Planning Department of Health
Gippsland resources Gippsland Health Online Gippsland Health Online is an internet based clearinghouse for key statistics that provides information on demography, health status, burden of disease, behavioural determinants of health, socio- economic determinants of health and health system performance specific to Gippsland region. ndex.htm
Gippsland resources Health Promotion in Gippsland The Health Promotion in Gippsland webpage contains a series of guidance notes on strategies and evaluation tools for Gippslands health promotion priority areas: physical activity health eating mental wellbeing sexual and reproductive health
Other resources Health Status Atlas It is an interactive mapping and statistics report developed by the Department of Health to provide Victorian demographic and socioeconomic status, health status and risk factors data at Local Government Areas (LGA) level. This data visualisation tool is available at
Other resources Health Status of Victorians The Health Intelligence Unit (HIU) provides high quality information about the health of the Victorian population. This information is used to inform policy development and planning efforts to improve health services and to monitor the health of the population.
Other resources Planning products Local government area profiles 2010 The Local Government Area (LGA) profiles are produced annually and provide access to a broad range of data about each LGA. Each profile includes population, socio-economic, services and health data relating to the LGA, provided by a range of sources. Town and community profiles 2011 The 2011 Town and Community Profiles bring together information on more than 1100 Victorian communities from a wide variety of sources, both internal and external to the Department of Health and Department of Human Services. The Profiles include information on population, geography, services and facilities, and social, cultural and demographic characteristics of each suburb, town and rural catchment in Victoria.
Other resources The Community Profile series The Community Profile series have been produced by DEECD to provide local level information on the health, learning, safety, development and wellbeing of Victorian children and young people. The community profiles series include: Adolescent Community Profiles Early Childhood Community Profiles Aboriginal Early Childhood Community Profiles communityprofile.htm
Other resources VicProfile The interactive online repository for data about clinical placements in Victoria.
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