PASSPORT TO THE PROM Class of 2018-2019
You are all invited… …but you cannot go without earning the points. The Prom is a privilege and not a right
Steps to success Hitting target grades Positive learning behaviours Positive homework grades Attendance above 95% Punctuality to school and lessons Meeting coursework deadlines Attending revision sessions Giving something back to the community S
The OAKLANDS Way We want our students to maintain good standards of BEHAVIOUR, take PRIDE in their education and strive to achieve SUCCESS in all that they do…
GCSE Results Day – Thursday 22nd August 2019 FROM Today there are... 116 school days until Prom 6 months until the first written GCSE Exam GCSE Results Day – Thursday 22nd August 2019 Don’t waste a minute!
So here’s what you need to do……. This part is easy - you just have to keep your passport up to date Don’t lose it though! There will be a replacement charge and you will not gain back the points you had already accrued. The rest will be monitored by your subject teachers and your form tutors
Your UNIFORM has been exemplary Your HOMEWORK grades are positive You attended PARENTS EVENING You have handed all COURSEWORK in by the deadline dates ATTENDANCE is something you take pride in and is above 95%. If your attendance is lower than this you will be judged on an individual basis by your Head of Year Your behaviour during the MOCK EXAMS was exemplary You are PUNCTUAL and have not been late more than 4 times for any registration or lesson during any one half term since 26/11/18 You have attended a minimum of 25 REVISION SESSIONS Your LEARNING BEHAVIOUR grades are positive and you have more Epraise points than behaviour points You are making progress towards your TARGET GRADES
How do I get my ticket to the prom? You must gain stamps and pass 10 of the 13 required sections of this passport. However, if the behaviour and attendance targets are not met, then a Prom ticket will be withheld. The passport includes sections for those of you who contribute to the wider life of the school e.g. prefects, buddies, choir, band and ensembles sports teams, school show etc. You can also provide evidence that you have secured a place on a post 16 course for one of the passport sections. Should you fail to complete this passport your attendance at the prom will require a further review by SLT
For those of you who do all of this every day………. Do not worry! Just get your card stamped at the relevant time Some sections can be stamped already Some need to be stamped as you progress towards your exams The final sections need to be completed before you begin exams
When the card is complete… Hand it in to your form tutor by 1st May 2019 and you will receive a letter inviting you to purchase your ticket
CONGRATULATIONS You have worked hard this year and deserve your place at this year’s Prom. Signed Head of Year
It’s all about achievement… …Be the best that you can be!