Creating independent learners in the MFL class room
Teaching of Modern Foreign languages has changed enormously over the past 15 years. 1998 Record music from Radio programmes on cassettes Record TV programmes / films on video tapes to show on Tv screens using VCRs The Computer Room Penpals sometimes worked well but not always easily facilitated. Teacher as primary source of information
2015 Immediate access to TL community and culture You tube : source of TL songs/ videos with subtitles or karaoke .. French TV series on Netflix Radio channels streamed online TL DVDs can be ordered online Epals : exchange of emails and movies through YouTube makes TL community real and accessible Skype conference calls with partner schools Use of FB Snapchat Instagram between epals reinforces and strengthens friendships. Tablets and Apps Teacher as facilitator of student autonomous learning
Teacher as facilitator Tablets Better Learners Better Teachers Autonomous Independent learners Teacher as facilitator
Essentiel Apps In the MFL classroom So how do we maximise the potential for teaching and learning offered by tablets? How do we create more independent learners ? Two essential Apps which facilitate student autonomy are The Classroom App The Dictionnary App
Facilitates student autonomy Essentiel Apps In the MFL classroom Easier Faster Better learners Better Language users More accurate Facilitates student autonomy No. 1 : The Dictionary App Proficient use of a Dictionary app allows students to review and build vocabulary and grammar quickly enabling them to produce better quality work faster.
Apps which Target Language Skills illustrated Receptive Skills 7 jours sur la planète Magazine apps
Other Apps which target receptive skills Premiere Shop catalogues Storybook Apps
Apps which target productive skills illustrated Pages Keynote iMovie Book creator
Other Apps which target productive skills Comic life Puppet pals
Essentiel Apps In the MFL classroom Showbie illustrated Classroom App Accessible Fast Teacher as monitor Student Autonomy Cloud storage
All these apps are compatible with Showbie Workshop All these apps are compatible with Showbie Showbie Register now on showbie and choose assignments in MFL conference class in order to become more familiar with some of the receptive and productive Apps referred to during talk. Class code KD9C8