WELCOME to Open House 2nd Grade 2017-2018
Our Sensational Second Grade Team: Ms. Benes Mrs. Byers Mrs. Beesley Ms. Cofield Mrs. Eads Miss Ford Mrs. Secrist Mrs. Smalling
Our Collaborative Team We will work as a collaborative team to help each student learn and grow. We will monitor student’s learning to improve skills and help students reach their goals. We will provide support and enrichment for all to learn.
Daily Schedule Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. Resources Guidance Media Music Media/Lab P.E. Art WOW Wednesday Every 6 weeks, students will visit resource. Tennis shoes are preferred for WOW! Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:25 - 8:40 - Welcome! 8:40 – 10:10 – Language Arts 10:10 – 10:50 – Resource 10:55 - 11:15 – Social Studies /Science 11:20 - 12:02 – Lunch (times vary) 12:05 - 1:05 – Math 1:05 - 1:35 – Recess 1:35 – 2:10 – N.E.S.T. 2:10 – 2:40 – Teacher-Led P.E. Wednesday – Dismissal 1:40 Resources
Curriculum-2nd Grade Florida Standards Our goal is to help your child become a deeper thinker and better problem solver. We, as teachers, will be asking students to think more independently, not only to provide answers but also support their answers based on text, to gain more understanding from non-fiction text, and apply what is learned in different areas. Classwork is very important to our learning—we will use interactive journals, work with partners, in groups, as well as independently. We will focus on learning by doing and exploring— this makes it very important for students to be present in class. Please attempt to make all appointments for afterschool or on days off, if possible. Homework is assigned to reinforce skills being learned in the classroom---Reading every night for 10 minutes is the standard. Please help your children learn how to balance completing work with their after school activities and prioritize what is most important.
N.E.S.T. Nurturing Every Student Together A major component of working as a collaborative team is having time to provide support and enrichment for every student without compromising time spent on new material. Our administration has recognized this and each grade level has a dedicated NEST time. We will monitor each child’s progress on 2nd Grade Standards and during NEST time they will receive interventions, support, and enrichment to help all students learn. This will be a fluid process where students will work on what they need to learn and grow for the standards we are learning.
Communication is Vital! The absolute best way to contact any one of us is e-mail-we will do our best to get back to you within 24 hours. Our email addresses are: Callie.Beesley@stjohns.k12.fl.us Sue.Benes@stjohns.k12.fl.us Paige.Byers@stjohns.k12.fl.us Natalie.Cofield@stjohns.k12.fl.us Laura.Eads@stjohns.k12.fl.us Torrey.Ford@stjohns.k12.fl.us Rachel.Secrist@stjohns.k12.fl.us Shauna.Smalling@stjohns.k12.fl.us If you have a SAME DAY change of the way your child is going home, don’t rely on email! Please call and leave a message with Ms. Ruth, 547-7450.
2nd Grade Webpage Check out our 2nd Grade Class Webpage! http://teachers.stjohns.k12.fl.us/hce-grade2/ This webpage is updated regularly with useful information!
IMAX Theater: “The Flight of the Butterflies” and “Born to Be Wild” Important Dates Field Trips: Monday, November 6th Old Florida Museum St. Augustine Limited Chaperones Tuesday, February 20th IMAX Theater: “The Flight of the Butterflies” and “Born to Be Wild” World Golf Village Unlimited Chaperones Upcoming Events: Mon., Sept. 4 — Labor Day Wed., Sept 6 — Character Counts— Wear Orange Day for Fairness Tues., Sept 12 — Interims go home Wed., Sept. 13 — WOW Thurs. & Fri. - Sept. 14 - 15 — PTO JOG–A-THON fundraiser begins Tues., Oct. 3 — PTO Box Tops are due Wed., Oct. 4 — Character Counts— Wear Green for Responsibility Wed., Oct. 9 - 13 — Gifted Screening Fri., Oct 13 — 1st Quarter Ends Mon., Oct 16 — Teacher Planning Day Tues. Oct 24 — Report Cards go home & Character Counts Program
Any Questions?