Primary Newsletter – Friday 22nd June 2018 OUTSTANDING LEARNING This week, Etana, Michaela, Shiyanna and Soryah have showed outstanding learning for their independent writing. Jose has put lots of effort into his writing this week and wrote a fantastic description of his house design using phonics to help him with new words. Year 1 have been focusing on becoming independent writers. Well done Jose for trying really hard on one of our learning behaviours. Sirin, Raphael and Joyce have been nominated for outstanding learning for writing a beautiful and descriptive piece about a new setting for the story Hansel and Gretal. Beulah and Natalee have been chosen for outstanding learning this week for their independent writing retelling a story. WORLD WORK WEEK World of Work Week is taking place next week across the Primary Phase. We have been working alongside a charity called 15Billionebp and have arranged an exciting week of learning for all our pupils. We have lots of exciting trips planned to different workplaces, lots of visitors coming in to tell us all about their workplace and even a ‘Dragons Den’ experience where 10 business professionals will come and judge our pupils’ business ideas. During the week, our pupils will be learning about the importance of English and Maths in the workplace, the relationship between doing well at school and being successful in the workplace and exploring the wide variety of jobs that are available. We look forward to sharing stories and photographs of this fantastic opportunity with you in the newsletter next week. MIND TO BE KIND – THOUGHT OF THE WEEK If someone showed you respect, how did you know? How did it feel? CHURCH VISITS Next week on Tuesday, Year 4 will be going to our local Catholic Church (Our Lady Help of Christians) for a visit 10.00am – 11.30am. Most children have permission to go on local trips. If we do not have this on file, you will be contacted to approve the visit.
Class: 3E Let Your Light Shine Class : 3W Class: 4W : STAR OF THE WEEK DATES FOR YOUR DIARY STAR OF THE WEEK Each week, one child from each class is named as ‘Star of the Week’ for working really hard on one of our learning characteristics: Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration, Independence and Versatility. This week we congratulate the following children: 25th – 29th June World Work Week 2nd – 4th July Year 6 Residential Wednesday 4th July New Reception (September 2018) Stay and Play Morning Friday 6th July Class 2W Assembly Wednesday 11th July Primary Sports Day Monday 16th July Year 6 leavers mass 2pm Year 6 end of year performance Tuesday 17th July Thursday 19th July Year 6 Leavers Party Friday 20th July Last Day of Term Bumblebee Class Michaela Frog Class Ayomide Dragonfly Class Samuel 2E Precillia 2W Amy 3E Jay Shaun 3W Kaylen 4E Kelly 4W Zemirah 5E Zinab 5W Barakat 6E Rahul 6W Claudia ATTENDANCE CUP WINNER PUNCTUALITY PANDA WINNER Class : 3W Class: 4W GOLDEN TABLE WINNERS Well done to the ‘Golden Table’ winners this week who displayed excellent manners in school Year 1: Ella-Rae and Sofia Year 2: Chloe and Ayman Year 3: Eldi and Kymani Year 4: Evaluna and Raynen-Lei Year 5: Edianas and Nathaniel Year 6: Prince and Princess PRAYER CORNER In this Sunday's Gospel, we learn about the birth of John the Baptist, a man who will go on to prepare people for the ministry of Jesus by preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. God of all, help us to hear you call each of our names and inspire us to build your kingdom here on earth. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen. Class of the Week. For amazing work during activities for ‘take a risk week’ . Class: 3E Pupil of the Week. The pupil in each class with the most positive points each week. The Pupil of the Week will be awarded an orange tie on a Friday. Bumblebee Class Michaela Frog Class Ayomide Dragonfly Class Mikayla 2E Zephan 2W Makayla 3E Jasmine 3W Breayh 4E Shavantae 4W Solange 5E Marcus 5W Jolene 6E Fanta 6W Asia Have a lovely weekend Mrs Beckley