Aim: Explain the Spiritual Revival and Church Reforms that began in the 11th Century
Problems for Church In Age of Faith During the Dark Age (500-1000), the Popes began to reform the Church Restored & expanded its power and authority Problems in the Church 1) Village priests were married (Against Church rules) 2) Bishops sold positions in the church (Simony) 3) Using the practice of lay investiture, kings appointed church bishops instead of Church appointed bishops 2
Reforms and Church Organization Popes Leo IX & Gregory VII enforced Church laws against simony and marriage of priests 1100-1200, Church restructured to resemble kingdom Pope at the head Pope’s group of advisors called Papal Curia Acted as a court Developed canon law for marriage, divorce & inheritance Church collected taxes in the form of Tithes Consumed 1/10th the yearly income from every Christian family 3
New Religious Orders Early 1200’s, wandering friars traveled from place to place preaching and spreading Church’s ideas Preached to the poor Women played an important role in the spiritual revival Women joined groups including the Dominicans, Benedictines, & Franciscans Like Friars, women lived in poverty and worked to helped the poor and sick Unlike Friars, women were not allowed to travel from place to place as preachers 4