Prevention and Health Promotion in General Practice Matti Pietikäinen Chief Physician Medical Director, Outpatient Services City of Kuopio
Health promotion Whose tasks ? The Primary Care Health Act (1972): primary care is mainly responsible Amandments to the Act 2006: municipalities are widely responsible
Health promotion in primary care GPs are working in school health care and in maternity and child welfare clinics GPs have an important role in their daily patiet work GP has still authority
Health promotion and GPs Preference for dealing with preventive work in multiprofessional team GP has a big responsibility for motivating the patient Difficulty to achieve health- promoting changes in a patient´s way of life
Health Promotion Research Unit A new innovation, founded in 2005 Purposes: evaluate operating models, working methods Effectiveness and productivity Collaboration with Kuopio University and University Hospital
In Practice Examination about the views of personnel in outpatient services and the adoption of a preventive approach Need for training in a multiprofessinal context Intervention target number one: type 2 diabetes