Workplace Legal Matters Chapter 12 12.1 Laws about the workplace 11/30/2018
Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you should be able to: Identify how laws and labor unions affect the workplace Describe discrimination in the workplace and identify some of the laws that address it Recognize sexual harassment and identify actions to take against it. 11/30/2018
Labor Laws Designed to protect you from unfair treatment on the job Laws about work & pay Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 1938 Minimum wage & Overtime pay Compensatory time Child Labor Laws (min. age of 16 to work in factories) 2b. Paid time off from work rather than cash in exchange for working overtime. Employees, however, must agree in advance to this arrangement 11/30/2018
Organization of labor unions Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act) 1935 Allowed unions to organize & engage in union activities NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) Investigate charges of unfair labor practices 11/30/2018
Representing Workers Workers elect union leaders They negotiate for job improvements or changes through collective bargaining Issues to be addressed: Better wages Increased benefits Better working conditions When agreements are not reached: unions may strike When they are reached, the company signs a labor contract. Union members must approve before it goes into effect 11/30/2018
Unions at work There are 16 million union members in the U.S. If you join a union, you will need to pay union dues This money supports the work of the union & a strike fund If you are thinking about joining a union, consider these factors: Membership cost Track record Membership benefits and Management 11/30/2018
Unemployment insurance Helps workers cope with the loss of a job Occurs when companies go out of business or layoffs result from a downturn in the economy Family & Medical Leave Act (1993) Guarantees employees at companies with more than 50 employees up to 12 weeks of leave for family or personal medical care or for the birth or adoption of a child Drawing the line Immigration Reform & Control Act (1990) 3. Makes it difficult for illegal immigrants to find work. Employers should make sure that all new employees have proper working papers & identification. Businesses can face huge fines if they break this law. 11/30/2018
Discrimination Unequal treatment based on such factors as race, religion, nationality, gender, age, or physical appearance. Major antidiscrimination laws Civil Rights Act of 1964 Age Discrimination Act of 1967 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 & Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Affirmative Action 2a. Bans discrimination in employment based on race, ethnicity, religion, or gender 2b. Makes it illegal to discriminate against people over 40 in hiring, promoting, or discharging employees 2c. Protect the rights of individuals with disabilities– conditions that can include visual or hearing impairment, mental illness, or paralysis. I.E. the law requires businesses to provide 11/30/2018
Equal Rights on the Job Equal Pay Act (1963) Sexual Harassment Requires equal pay for equal work Sexual Harassment Any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature. Such behavior may include jokes, gestures, repeated or threatening requests for dates, & unwanted touching 11/30/2018