Qualities of Elders 1 Timothy 3:7
Good Testimony Good: KALON Testimony: MARTURION – witness (Mk 14:55), martyr, testimony (Jn 1:19) “Good reputation” – NASB; NIV; “Well thought of” – ESV “Good report” – KJV; “Good testimony” - ASV An elder must be well thought of by those who are members of the church, but also of those outside of the church Does this mean all will speak well of him? – Luke 6:26 Who would you ask about this man? Coworkers? Neighbors?
Why is it important to have a good reputation? Not having a good reputation would cause reproach. The devil is waiting with a snare He would love to humiliate and elder of the Lord’s church Should we rush to appoint elders? Why would it be important to take your time? Is it easier to get a man “in” or “out” of an eldership?
Review: Qualities from 1 Timothy (15 total) Blameless One woman man (husband of one wife) Temperate Sober minded Good behavior Hospitable Able to teach Not given (addicted; abstinent) to wine
Review: Qualities from 1 Timothy (15 total) Not violent; not a striker Not greedy for money Gentle Not quarrelsome (contentious) Not covetous (free from love of money) Rules his house well Children in submission; under control With reverence; respect Not a new convert Good reputation w/outsiders
Qualities from Titus 1:5-9 In His House In God’s House Blameless (above reproach) One woman man (husband of one wife) Having faithful children Not accused of dissipation or insubordination Blameless as God’s steward Not self willed Not quick tempered Not given (addicted) to wine Not violent Not greedy for money Hospitable A lover of good Sober-minded Just, holy, self controlled Holding fast the faithful word