Creating a real system across the balance of state Virginia’s approach National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference July 18, 2017 – Washington, DC
Virginia Balance of State 69 counties and cities 500 miles from most eastern point to most western point Census: 1.5 million Comprised of 12 local planning groups (LPGs) 2017 Point-in-Time: - 722 total - 159 unsheltered - 102 families (299 people) - 423 singles - 39 CH - 37 veterans
CoC Funding 5 PSH projects (40%) 3 RRH projects (33%) HMIS (16%) CoC Planning (11%) Total $891,945
LPG Requirements Governance policies, a board, committees, and written standards that align with the BoS CoC overarching governance Open meetings at least every other month, and publish notices of meeting agendas and minutes Elect Steering Committee and sub-committee representatives Conduct PIT and HIC at least annually (provide to CA) Submit APR to HUD (where applicable) Participate in HMIS (if applicable) and adhere to the BoS’s HMIS Policies and Procedures maintained by Homeward (HMIS administrator) Use system level data (HUD and state) to make LPG decisions Support the priorities established by the BoS CoC aligning with state and federal policies
Coordinated Entry Coordinated Entry Committee Representation from 8 of the 12 LPGs VI-SPDAT One phone number for LPG Training on prioritization Case conferencing By-name lists Working on prioritization, marketing standardization, access to shelter outside of entry hours Work in progress to meet January requirements DHCD performs a variety of functions such as performance monitoring, engagement and education of stakeholders, submission of the HUD funding applications, and HMIS administration in collaboration with Homeward
Virginia’s Statewide Approach Statewide training efforts for CoCs and LPGs RRH (workshops and learning collaboratives) System Design Clinics Emergency Shelter Learning Communities Systemic approach Funding is combination of state and federal into one program CoCs and LPGs submit community proposal for emergency response system to address homelessness Required to governance, coordinated entry, etc. dictated by HUD Required to submit policies and procedures, job descriptions and rules Required to adhere to RRH benchmarks and procedures ES required to be low-barrier and housing focused CoC Contract
Virginia’s Statewide Approach Prescriptive funding Constant communication and messaging: systemic approach; housing first; housing focus; making data informed decisions Working in partnership
Contact Information Andriea Ukrop CoC Coordinator Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development 804-371-7128 Kathy Robertson Associate Director, Housing And Community Development 804-225-3129