ALL OUT A Case Study of Mosquito Repellant
Details Started in Factory at place Baddi of Himachal Pradesh. Packaging Unit Hyderabad (AP). Product Launched in Mumbai in 1990 (April). Advertisement agencies A)Avenues the first ad agency B)HTA the second agency hired during Delhi launch.
KAPL Karamchand Appliances Private Ltd. Competition : CompanyBrand GSLL (Godrej Sara Lee Ltd.)GoodKnight GSLLJET GSLLBanish R & C (Reckitt & Coleman)Mortein HLLRaid Others Local------
Market Shares for Coils : CompanyBrand July GSLLGoodKnig ht 0012 GSLLJet R&CMortein3033 BCL (Bombay Chemicals Ltd.) Tortoise Others Total100
Market Shares for Mats : CompanyBrand July GSLLGoodKnig ht GSLLJet GSLLBanish432 R & c Mortein91215 HLLRaid474 Others Total100
Sales Promotion Techniques : Price Deals i. e. Price Cut & Discounts Bonus pack Rebates (paying back some amt for encouragement of use of new product) Coupons Contests Sweepstake Premiums Free in mail premiums Sampling Exchange offers Trade Allowance Continuity Plan
Prices & Different Schemes
Announcement by Mfgr : Directed to the Consumers for: 1. Brand Switching 2. Repeat Purchase 3. Increasing Category Expansion & Consumption 4. Purchasing more than immediate Requirement
A)Manufacturers B)Retailers Sales Promotion
What happens with Sales Promotion Effects on Consumers : Need Recognition may get triggered in both High Involvement Low Involvement Effects on Sales: Brand Switching Repeat Purchase Purchase timing
How to Define Type of a Product: Convenience GoodsShopping GoodsSpecialty Goods Frequently PurchasedSearch EffortsOnce in long time High Replacement Rate Postponement of purchase Unusual Shopping Behaviour Purchase in small qtyEvaluation on the basis of : quality,style,price & suitability. Brand preference plays dominant role Branded Low Priced goods : Bread,Confectionaries, Soap,Stationry Items. Fashion & Service Goods: Clothing,furniture,kitche n appliances, special Shops: TV,Camera,VCR,Cars, watches,fancy goods.
Reasons of success Improvement in Literacy Health Consciousness Growing Economical Power
Type of Product : Convenience Goods Shopping Goods Specialty Goods
Product Development stages: Market Needs Research Ideas
Product Development stages: Market Needs Research Ideas
Product Development stages: Market Needs Research Ideas New/Improved Product Review Product Development
Product Development stages: Market Needs Research Ideas New/Improved Product Review Product Development Marketing Mix Test Marketing Product Testing
Product Development stages: Market Needs Research Ideas New/Improved Product Review Product Development Marketing Mix Test Marketing Product Testing NATIONAlLAUNChNATIONAlLAUNCh