Chemistry 101 Elise McCarren 2026 Chemistry Annex 217-300-5899 Office Hours: 12-1, 3-3:30 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:30-3 pm Wednesdays Review Session 3 pm Wednesdays And by appointment Open door policy
To Get Started! Go to Click on Course Web Sites Click on Chemistry 101A/D Watch all videos on Announcements page Accept the invitation in your email!!!
Materials Textbook: Introductory Chemistry, 9th Ed., S.S. Zumdahl and D.J. DeCoste Syllabus/Lab Manual: Chemistry 101 Syllabus and Lab Book, Fall 2018 iClicker: This can be purchased in the bookstore. Calculator: A simple calculator that performs scientific notation (graphing calculators are also okay EXCEPT for Ti-Nspire). Lab Notebook: Any notebook will work for the lab.
LON-CAPA Electronic Homework Can access from course website: Homework – “unlimited” attempts (99) Post-Lecture Questions – 8 attempts Prelecture Assignments – 2 attempts (read the textbook sections first!)
Creating a Positive Learning Environment for Everyone Be respectful of your classmates Put cell phones in “airplane” mode Turn off tablets Close laptops Save conversation for clicker portions of lecture
Presentations First Ten Minutes Last Ten Minutes
Lectures Provide a “big picture” Interactive How do we think about “science”? How do we solve a problem? Interactive Demonstrations and small groups. I expect and encourage questions. Participation expected through clickers.
Everybody Writes 1 The containers to the right all have different argon samples at the same temperature. Select the sample with the highest pressure OR state that all pressures are equal. Explain. 2 Container 1 and 2 each contain equal numbers of particles of ideal helium and neon gas, respectively, both at the same temperature and volume. How do the pressures compare? Explain. Took me 2 minutes to do – need to speed it up or reduce the amount of content on each slide. Possibly omit question 2!
Demonstrations Predict Observe Explain
Wanna hear a joke about sodium? Na What about potassium? Chemistry is symbolic. Wanna hear a joke about sodium? Na What about potassium?
Predict, Observe, Explain
Hindenburg Disaster, 1937 Hindenburg, disaster, 1937
Friday Sections Smaller groups, more details in solving problems. You must take an active role. Textbook homework due (assigned problems listed in Lab Book, p.15)
Lab Sections Lab write-ups must consist of coherent explanations and complete sentences. This is another chance for discussion of chemical principles.
Exams Evening exams (7-8:30 pm). Dates given in the Lab Book. Multiple choice and free response. Emphasis on understanding. Previous exams will be posted.
Some Advice Read the text. Not like a novel, but deeply and critically. Be careful of the Complete Solutions Manual. 2021 Chemistry Annex
Chemistry Learning Center 2021 Chemistry Annex Walk in tutors 9 am – 5 pm Mon - Fri TA Office Hours Reference materials
Tonight’s Homework Purchase iClicker! Go to Click on Course Web Sites Click on Chemistry 101A/D Watch all videos on Announcements page Lon-Capa Pre-lecture Assignment due 8:00 am Thursday Textbook Chapter 2, 3, and 5 problems, specific assignment listed on p. 15 of Lab Book Due Friday in discussion