Health Promotion for the Developing Child Chapter 4
Patterns of Growth and Development Cephalocaudal Proximodistal General to Specific Simple to Complex
Factors Influencing Growth and Development Genetics Environment Culture Nutrition Health Status Family
Theories of Growth and Development Piaget –Cognitive development Freud –Psychosexual development Erikson –Conflicts or developmental tasks Kohlberg –Moral development
Assessment of Development Denver Developmental Screening Test II –Used with children birth-6 years –Measures Personal-social Fine motor Language Gross motor Developmental Assessment –Interview –Play
Immunization –Active vs. passive immunity –Types of immunizations –Availability of vaccines/Recommendations DTaP Polio MMR Hepatitis (HBV) Haemophilus influenzae Varicella Pneumococcal Pneumonia Influenza
Administration of Immunizations When administering vaccines, you do not have to aspirate prior to the IM injection. The most common site for administration of vaccines is the deltoid site (adults, older children) and the vastus lateralis (thigh) site for infants and young children. Children who are seriously ill should not receive immunizations (a slight upper respiratory infection – stuffy/runny nose with no fever is not a contraindication) Missed vaccinations are not started over, but are continued where they were left off in the series. Children who are immunosuppressed, receiving chemotherapy or radiation, or receiving corticosteroids should not receive the live vaccines.
Administration of Immunizations cont. Pregnant females should not receive the live attenuated vaccines (ex.MMR, oral polio) because these vaccines can cross the placenta causing disease in the fetus Always follow the manufacturers recommendations for storage and handling of vaccines. Some vaccines are prepared from chick embryo cultures – so be sure to assess for egg allergies prior to administration of these vaccines!
Nutrition & Activity Nurses must –Know how to graph height/weight and speak intelligently about percentiles – Understand the food pyramid Pg. 73, note serving sizes –Eradicate the myth that fat babies/toddlers/preschoolers are healthy Thin/slim children do not need supplements –Discourage early feeding of solid food to infants No infant feeders, no solids before 4 months –Understand that more calories taken in than used = fat Calories are calories whether they come from Ben & Jerrys or carrot sticks