American Revolution: The Birth of a Republic
Britain and its American Colonies By the mid- 1700s colonists had been living in America for nearly 150 years They saw themselves as less British– than as Virginians or Pennsylvanians; however they were still British subjects England passed the Navigation Acts in the 1660s in order to control the colonial trade but the Americans mostly ignored these laws Colonists can only sell goods to Britain Higher taxes on imported French and Dutch goods Very difficult to enforce lead to smuggling Did not truly enforce until after the French and Indian War
Americans Win Independence After the French and Indian War ended in 1763 England began to toughen its trade laws Colonists expected to help cover the costs by paying taxes In 1765, the Stamp Act was passed. Colonists had to pay a tax to have an official stamp put on wills, deeds, newspapers, and other printed material Colonists believed it violated their natural rights They argued they should not pay the tax because they had no representation “No taxation without representation”!!!! repealed Stamp Act in 1766
Continental Congress(es) After the Boston Tea Party British troops occupied the cities. Representatives from each colony except Georgia met in Philadelphia to form the 1st Constitutional Convention. British troops and American militiamen battled at Lexington and Concord on April 19th, 1775 The 2nd Continental Congress voted to raise an army to be commanded by George Washington and the Revolution began.
Americans Win Independence In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson Firmly based on the ideas of John Locke Jefferson argued that Britain violated American natural rights
Americans Win Independence Success for the Colonies Washington’s ragtag army beat the strongest army in the world Why? Americans had the support of the French People of Britian were weary of taxes after six years British army surrendered and was trapped at Yorktown
Americans Create a Republic The first plan of government of the U.S. was the Articles of Confederation This new government was a republic Citizens ruled through representatives Created a weak national government because of their experience with the British No executive or judicial branches, only one body of government Congress Concerned leaders called for a Constitutional Convention February 1787: Constitutional Convention to REVISE the AOC The 55 delegates were well-rehearsed in the theories of Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau----ENLIGHTNEMENT IDEAS
Enlightenment Thinkers Ideas The new Constitution and Bill of Rights showed the influence of many enlightenment thinkers Montesquieu: checks and balances and separation of powers Rousseau: public elections Voltaire: free speech and religion Beccaria: Bill of Rights which protect the accused Locke: natural rights